Visualisation du fichier CSV pour l'export des fiches de type : Agenda - Total des fiches : 87
"datetime_create","datetime_latest","Nom de l'événement'","Description","Type d'événement","Début de l'événement","Fin de l'événement"
07/02/2021 16:19:19,07/02/2021 16:19:19,"Réunion Plénière #9","En visio
Lien de la visio à venir","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-02-19T20:00:00+01:00","2021-02-19T21:30:00+01:00"
07/02/2021 16:41:17,07/02/2021 16:41:17,"Réunion Groupe ""Projet""","Réunion du groupe de travail sur le Projet du collectif","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-09T20:00:00+01:00","2021-02-09T22:00:00+01:00"
07/02/2021 16:42:29,07/02/2021 16:42:29,"Réunion Groupe ""Veille / Médias""","","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-09T18:00:00+01:00","2021-02-09T20:00:00+01:00"
11/02/2021 13:23:47,11/02/2021 13:23:47,"Réunion Groupe d'Animation","","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-11T18:00:00+01:00","2021-02-11T20:00:00+01:00"
14/02/2021 18:09:51,14/02/2021 18:09:51,"Réunion n° 3 Groupe Projet","","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-16T20:00:00+01:00","2021-02-16T22:00:00+01:00"
22/02/2021 19:45:08,22/02/2021 19:45:08,"Réunion n°4 groupe Projet","","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-23T20:00:00+01:00","2021-02-23T22:00:00+01:00"
28/02/2021 09:10:42,28/02/2021 09:10:42,"Réunion Groupe d'Animation","","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-01T18:00:00+01:00","2021-03-01T20:00:00+01:00"
02/03/2021 22:15:03,02/03/2021 22:15:03,"Réunion Zoom GT com / Tech","Réunion du GT com / tech
Avancement sur la communication
stratégie réseaux sociaux.
Lien à venir","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-05T10:00:00+01:00","2021-03-05T12:00:00+01:00"
03/03/2021 17:42:34,03/03/2021 17:42:34,"Réunion Zoom signataires  de GAP de l'appel"," Participer à la réunion Zoom

","Événément local (canton...)","2021-03-03T18:30:00+01:00","2021-03-03T20:30:00+01:00"
04/03/2021 11:27:29,04/03/2021 11:27:29,"Réunion Plénière #10","lien Zoom
Participer à la réunion

ID de réunion : 873 4966 9128
Code secret : 457329
Une seule touche sur l’appareil mobile
+33170950103,,87349669128#,,,,*457329# France
+33170950350,,87349669128#,,,,*457329# France

Composez un numéro en fonction de votre emplacement
        +33 1 7095 0103 France
        +33 1 7095 0350 France
        +33 1 8699 5831 France
        +33 1 7037 2246 France
        +33 1 7037 9729 France","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-03-05T20:00:00+01:00","2021-03-05T22:30:00+01:00"
08/03/2021 09:10:02,08/03/2021 09:10:02,"Réunion Guillestrois-Queyras","à Guillestre,
plus d'infos :
","Événément local (canton...)","2021-03-09T14:30:00+01:00","2021-03-09T16:30:00+01:00"
09/03/2021 22:28:42,09/03/2021 22:28:42,"Découverte de la Fabrique et du site Internet","Bonjour à tous,

Afin de mieux coopérer et construire notre projet départemental, nous avons mis en place plusieurs outils numériques.

    La fabrique qui nous permet de discuter, d'échanger, de partager nos agendas et nos tâches, et de mettre en commun les ressources (fichiers, documents, framapads...) nécessaire à la construction du projet

    Le site internet pour communiquer sur l'extérieur, avoir accès aux ressources, documents et informations en un coup d'oeil.

Attention, afin de ne pas diluer l'information entre plusieurs plate-forme, La fabrique se substitura au Framateam utilisé jusqu'à présent.

Afin de présenter ces outils à celles et ceux qui en ont besoin, c'est à dire vous montrer comment ils fonctionnent, les différentes options, modules etc... nous vous proposons une session d'information sur le créneau de votre choix la semaine prochaine :

    Mercredi 10 mars à 10h30

    Jeudi 11 mars à 19h00

Merci de vous inscrire sur le créneau que nous préférez :
Le groupe com-tech

Lien de connexion :
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-10T10:30:00+01:00","2021-03-10T11:30:00+01:00"
09/03/2021 22:29:16,09/03/2021 22:29:16,"Découverte de la Fabrique et du site Internet","Bonjour à tous,

Afin de mieux coopérer et construire notre projet départemental, nous avons mis en place plusieurs outils numériques.

    La fabrique qui nous permet de discuter, d'échanger, de partager nos agendas et nos tâches, et de mettre en commun les ressources (fichiers, documents, framapads...) nécessaire à la construction du projet

    Le site internet pour communiquer sur l'extérieur, avoir accès aux ressources, documents et informations en un coup d'oeil.

Attention, afin de ne pas diluer l'information entre plusieurs plate-forme, La fabrique se substitura au Framateam utilisé jusqu'à présent.

Afin de présenter ces outils à celles et ceux qui en ont besoin, c'est à dire vous montrer comment ils fonctionnent, les différentes options, modules etc... nous vous proposons une session d'information sur le créneau de votre choix la semaine prochaine :

    Mercredi 10 mars à 10h30

    Jeudi 11 mars à 19h00

Merci de vous inscrire sur le créneau que nous préférez :
Le groupe com-tech

Lien de connexion :
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-11T19:00:00+01:00","2021-03-11T20:00:00+01:00"
11/03/2021 14:22:20,11/03/2021 14:22:20,"Action sur Gap","Avis aux gapençais, samedi 13 mars, rendez-vous à 10h00 devant la liseuse, on fera signer l'appel et on annoncera la réunion à 14h le même jour au parc Giveaudan. ","Événément local (canton...)","2021-03-13T10:00:00+01:00","2021-03-13T10:00:00+01:00"
11/03/2021 20:34:11,11/03/2021 20:34:11,"Rencontre gapençaise","parc Givaudan","Événément local (canton...)","2021-03-13T14:00:00+01:00","2021-03-13T17:00:00+01:00"
12/03/2021 21:32:02,12/03/2021 21:32:02,"Réunion du canton de Serres","Venez rencontrer les autres signataires du canton à la Faurie, et discuter des  problématiques locales à intégrer au projet. Si vous souhaitez participer et que vous n'avez pas reçu d'invitation par mail, contacter le collectif","Événément local (canton...)","2021-03-21T14:00:00+01:00","2021-03-21T16:00:00+01:00"
15/03/2021 14:21:11,15/03/2021 14:21:11,"GT Candidats à la candidature","GT Candidats à la candidature

Contacter [[ Pimprenelle]] pour toute question ou pour vous inscrire à ce groupe de travail.

**Ordre du jour : **

1-Le point sur les candidatures et les actions dans les différents cantons
2-Organisation pour continuer : Création de Groupes d'Animation Locaux? Quelle articulation avec le groupe plénière? Faut-il créer un canal de diffusion propre aux groupes locaux, si oui, comment ?
3-Préparation de la réunion plénière du 19 mars.
4-Questions diverses.","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-15T18:30:00+01:00","2021-03-15T20:00:00+01:00"
15/03/2021 16:45:38,15/03/2021 16:45:38,"Réunion GT Projet","Rappel rapide des consignes, présentation des fiches terminées, engagement des participants sur les thèmes,

Le lien de la visio : 
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-09T20:00:00+01:00","2021-02-09T22:00:00+01:00"
16/03/2021 20:16:10,16/03/2021 20:16:10,"Réunion GT Projet","Attention changement de lien en dernière minute :

**__Proposition d'ordre du jour :__**

- Point sur les fiches pretes
- Modalités d’envoi au signataires? regroupement sous un chapeau (sujets proches ou en lien)
- Proposition d’un retour semaine suivante par visio consacrée au “chapeau”, pour discuter et intégrer en directe les amendements (rejoint la proposition de Madeleine)
- Trous dans la raquettes, que faire
- Rétroplanning pressant, début d’envoi dès cette semaine, fin d’envoi semaine prochaine
- Communication associée","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-16T20:00:00+01:00","2021-03-16T22:00:00+01:00"
19/03/2021 19:56:41,19/03/2021 19:56:41,"Plénière #11","Plénière du collectif

[[ Lien zoom de la prochaine réunion]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-03-19T20:00:00+01:00","2021-03-19T22:00:00+01:00"
21/03/2021 09:53:06,21/03/2021 09:53:06,"Marche pour une vraie loi climat","28 MARS 2021 : MARCHE POUR UNE VRAIE LOI CLIMAT

Hautes-Alpes : VéloRution… mon vélo ET mon train !

Déjà 329 organisations ont répondu à l’appel unitaire.

Le projet de loi « Climat et résilience », discuté à l’Assemblée nationale, est le dernier texte du quinquennat consacré à l’environnement. En l’état, il est très loin de l’ambition requise pour répondre à l’urgence écologique et atteindre les objectifs que la France s’est fixée. De nombreuses organisations, mais aussi le Haut Conseil pour le Climat, le Conseil national de la transition écologique et le Conseil économique, social et environnemental l’ont affirmé à de nombreuses reprises.

Le gouvernement, après s’être renié sur de nombreux sujets et avoir été reconnu coupable d’inaction climatique, a mis de côté ou considérablement amoindri les propositions de la Convention citoyenne pour le climat que cette loi était censée reprendre.

Les député.es, qui débattront du projet de loi en séance plénière à partir du 29 mars, doivent à présent prendre leurs responsabilités, notamment :

    En renforçant les articles du projet de loi dans le sens d’une plus grande ambition écologique, notamment s’agissant de la rénovation thermique des bâtiments, de la réglementation de la publicité et de l’utilisation des engrais azotés, du recours aux menus végétariens dans la restauration collective, de la lutte contre l’artificialisation des sols, de la limitation des vols intérieurs en avion ou la responsabilité climat des grandes entreprises.

    En renforçant les articles du projet de loi dans le sens d’une meilleure prise en compte des aspects de justice sociale afin de rendre la transition écologique accessible à toutes et tous

Le 19 mars, dernier jour de l’examen du texte en commission, les jeunes pour le climat se mobiliseront. Le 28 mars, veille de l’examen du projet de loi, nous nous mobiliserons ensemble pour dénoncer son manque d’ambition et les manœuvres qui tentent de l’affaiblir, exiger une vraie Loi Climat à la hauteur de l’urgence écologique et défendre les mesures des 150 membres de la Convention citoyenne pour le Climat.

28 MARS DANS LES HAUTES-ALPES…VELORUTION ! pour une vraie loi climat

A la veille de l'entrée du texte de loi « climat et résilience » à l'Assemblée Nationale, nous tous, appelons les députées des Hautes-Alpes, Mme Pascale Boyer et Mme Claire Bouchet, à prendre leurs responsabilités lors de leur séance qui débutera le 29 mars. Après le mouvement des Gilets Jaunes, le président Emmanuel Macron avait décidé de créer la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat pour proposer de manière plus démocratique des mesures pour la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le 28 février dernier, les membres de la CCC avaient attribué une note de 3,3/10 à l’action gouvernementale en réponse à leurs 149 mesures proposées.

Le projet de Loi Climat déposé par le gouvernement est loin d’être à la hauteur de l’urgence écologique avec un manque d’ambition écologique et la justice sociale, pour que la « transition écologique » soit accessible à toutes et à tous.

Le train symbole de résilience…mon vélo ET mon train !

Les conséquences de l’urgence climatique se font sentir quotidiennement (canicules à répétition, sécheresses ici ou crues et inondations ailleurs, ouragan dévastateurs …), de plus en plus de citoyens conscients de ces enjeux souhaitent modifier leurs modes de déplacement. De plus en plus nombreux ils se tournent vers le vélo et souhaitent pouvoir l’associer au train que ce soit dans leurs déplacements quotidiens (domicile / travail) ou dans leurs loisirs.

Alors que la région et le département communiquent sur leur volonté de développer le tourisme « écoresponsable », « vert » en développant les voies vertes, de favoriser les mobilités douces ou encore de protéger l’environnement, nous disposons d’un atout majeur dans les Hautes-Alpes pour une « vraie résilience » avec la ligne ferroviaire qui irrigue notre département le long de la Durance : Utilisons là ! Défendons là !

·         10h : VéloRution entre la gare de Chorges et la gare de la Bâtie Neuve (9kms)

·         12h30 : Pique-nique /débat sur le quai de la gare de la Bâtie Neuve

Le collectif Adieu Glacier 05 vous invite, citoyennes et citoyens, associations, syndicats, partis politiques…, à participer et à signer l’appel à cette journée de mobilisation.

Pour tous retours et signatures, merci d’envoyer un mail à :

Adieu Glacier 05
","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-03-28T10:00:00+02:00","2021-03-28T16:00:00+02:00"
21/03/2021 10:02:23,21/03/2021 10:02:23,"Rassemblement gapençais journée droit au logement","Devant le conseil départemental à 14h

 **Journée européenne d’action pour le logement
Dans 21 pays d’Europe, journée d’action pour le droit au logement, l’arrêt des expulsions et contre le logement cher !

Dans 21 pays d’Europe, partout en France le 27 mars on manifeste pour le droit au logement, l’arrêt des expulsions et contre le logement cher ! On marche donc pour un logement abordable, stable, décent et écologique pour tou.te.s, sans discrimination et dans son quartier ! On se mobilise pour l’arrêt des expulsions, des coupures d’énergie et des mises à la rue ! On manifeste pour une baisse immédiate les loyers, taxer les plus-values de la spéculation, sanctionner les bailleurs fraudeurs ! On exige le rétablissement à la hausse des APL, l’arrêt de la vente et de la démolition du logement social

","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-03-27T14:00:00+01:00","2021-03-27"
22/03/2021 15:24:38,22/03/2021 15:24:38,"Réunion GT Projet","la prochaine réunion du GT Projet se tiendra le mardi 23 mars de 20h à 22h.

Le lien de connexion:

Nous attirons fortement votre attention sur cette réunion.

En effet, le transfère des fiches du Framapad à la Fabrique a été réalisé par Patrick et nous vérifierons ensemble si tout et OK et si les fiches peuvent être diffusées aux signataires via la newsletter.
Ce serait bien que toutes celles et ceux qui ont participé à la rédaction des fiches soient présents jusqu'à la fin de la réunion.

Une réunion plénière sera consacrée au projet. Il serait bien que la totalité des fiches soient rédigées. Il faudra alors travailler sur les documents de campagne pour qu'ils soient disponibles comme prévu dans le rétroplanning.

","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-23T20:00:00+01:00","2021-03-23T22:00:00+01:00"
28/03/2021 13:05:46,28/03/2021 13:05:46,"Plénière #11bis","Réunion plénière","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-03-26T20:00:00+01:00","2021-03-26T22:00:00+01:00"
28/03/2021 17:44:54,28/03/2021 17:44:54,"Carnaval des libertés","Vous vous sentez brimé dans votre liberté ? Rejoignez-nous le 3 avril à 11h au Parc de la Pépinière à Gap pour un carnaval itinérant des libertés de 11h à 17h. Venez masqué avec votre village, vos amis festifs, restaurateurs, artistes… Aidez-nous à faire de ce jour une réussite !   
Organisé par   Consultation Citoyenne et Populaire 05","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-04-03T11:00:00+02:00","2021-04-03T17:00:00+02:00"
29/03/2021 15:39:13,29/03/2021 15:39:13,"Plénière #12","Réunion plénière 

Lien Visio :","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-04-02T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-02T22:00:00+02:00"
29/03/2021 15:39:36,29/03/2021 15:39:36,"GT PROJET","Validation des fiches en cours

Lien visio :","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-30T20:00:00+02:00","2021-03-30T22:00:00+02:00"
30/03/2021 18:55:30,30/03/2021 18:55:30,"GT candidats à la candidature ","Proposition d'ODJ : 
1) retour sur la pleinière
2) les critères pour les candidats à la candidatures
3) nouveau point sur la situation dans les différents cantons
4) Pour anticiper, comment impliquer les citoyens dans la campagne à venir ? 

Contacter [[ Pimprenelle]] pour toute question ou pour vous inscrire à ce groupe de travail.","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-03-31T18:30:00+02:00","2021-03-31"
06/04/2021 20:06:58,06/04/2021 20:06:58,"Réunion du GT projet","lien zoom","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-06T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-06T22:00:00+02:00"
07/04/2021 23:53:23,07/04/2021 23:53:23,"Mise en place du groupe de travail « rédaction du projet de campagne »","Mise en place du GT RPC avec la participation de toutes les bonnes volontés et des potentiels candidats 
Lien de la réunion —>","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-09T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-09T22:00:00+02:00"
09/04/2021 06:23:07,09/04/2021 06:23:07,"Réunion Ga n°2","Réunion Ga n°2 ""entre deux plénières""","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-09T20:30:00+02:00","2021-04-09T22:00:00+02:00"
10/04/2021 13:30:28,10/04/2021 13:30:28,"réunion Groupe candidature","Contacter [[ Pimprenelle]] pour toute question ou pour vous inscrire à ce groupe de travail.","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-12T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-12T22:00:00+02:00"
10/04/2021 13:33:35,10/04/2021 13:33:35,"Réunion GT Projet","Finalisation des fiches projets
lien zoom de la réunion :","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-13T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-13T22:00:00+02:00"
12/04/2021 07:05:24,12/04/2021 07:05:24,"Réunion n°3 Ga ","Réunion courte - derniers ajustements","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-15T20:25:00+02:00","2021-04-15T21:25:00+02:00"
13/04/2021 19:03:13,13/04/2021 19:03:13,"Action Trou de balles","Contre le projet de golf porté par la communauté de communes de Serres-Ponçon 

Rendez-vous donc le samedi 17 avril à 12h à l’intersection RN94/route de Boscodon pour la défense des terres et de la nature, contre l’artificialisation, la bétonisation et la réintoxication du monde. 
Pic-nic partagé le midi/soir

Plus d'infos :
**Important ! **Suivre le lien ci-dessus pour vous doter d'une autorisation de manifester qui libère des obligations de distance (10 km)

Signer l’appel local :
La Confédération Paysanne s’associe à cette action
Signer l’appel national :
L’appel complet sur :","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-04-17T12:00:00+02:00","2021-04-17T18:00:00+02:00"
15/04/2021 10:41:37,15/04/2021 10:41:37,"plénière #13","réunion plénière 
[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-04-16T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-16T22:30:00+02:00"
18/04/2021 08:34:25,18/04/2021 08:34:25,"réunion GT rédaction du projet de campagne","
[[ Lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-20T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-20T22:00:00+02:00"
18/04/2021 08:35:22,18/04/2021 08:35:22,"réunion (payée double) du groupe Rédaction du Projet de Campagne.","[[ Lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-18T14:00:00+02:00","2021-04-18T16:00:00+02:00"
16/05/2021 18:00:17,16/05/2021 18:00:17,"Réunion Ga n°2","Préparation de la plénière 16 du 21 mai 2021","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-20T19:00:00+02:00","2021-05-21T20:15:00+02:00"
16/05/2021 14:42:40,16/05/2021 14:42:40,"réunion spéciale préparation des facebook live","réubion du gt animation de campagne
[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-16T20:30:00+02:00","2021-05-16T22:30:00+02:00"
16/05/2021 14:44:46,16/05/2021 14:44:46,"gt animation de campagne","Préparation de la conférence de presse du 22 mai
[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-19T20:30:00+02:00","2021-05-19T22:30:00+02:00"
16/05/2021 14:48:04,16/05/2021 14:48:04,"Conférence de presse","**Evènement de lancement de campagne
Samedi 22 mai 11h, Esplanade du conseil départemental à Gap**

Après plusieurs mois de construction d’un projet inédit pour des Hautes-Alpes solidaires, écologiques et citoyennes, voici venu le temps de sa présentation publique. Nous sommes impatients de pouvoir vous rencontrer pour vous présenter le résultat de ce que nous avons accompli tous ensemble.

Depuis le 5 mai, nos candidats ont déposé leurs candidatures en préfecture. C’est la concrétisation de la démarche d’union de citoyens, de partis et mouvements de gauche, et des écologistes, engagée depuis l’automne. Nous sommes plus d’un demi-millier à nous être lancé dans cette construction.

L’enjeu est maintenant de faire connaître cette dynamique et ce projet pour une nouvelle majorité dans les Hautes-Alpes, et de faire élire nos candidats dans chaque canton.
Le voile sera levé ce samedi 22 mai à 11h, devant le conseil départemental à Gap.
Nous vous invitons à cet évènement en présence des candidats, des soutiens et des médias. Nous le poursuivrons par un apéritif dinatoire partagé, à partir de nos spécialités respectives.

N’hésitez pas à venir accompagnés, dans le respect des règles sanitaires en vigueur. Une déclaration de rassemblement a été réalisée en préfecture. A samedi, dans la joie et la bonne humeur !","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-05-22T11:00:00+02:00","2021-05-22T15:00:00+02:00"
25/04/2021 13:24:43,25/04/2021 13:24:43,"Réunion GT Rédaction du projet de campagne","[[ Lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-27T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-27T22:00:00+02:00"
25/04/2021 13:24:48,25/04/2021 13:24:48,"plénière #13bis","[[ Lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-04-23T20:00:00+02:00","2021-04-23T22:00:00+02:00"
02/05/2021 10:30:51,02/05/2021 10:30:51,"plénière 14","réunion plénière 
[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-05-07T20:00:00+02:00","2021-05-07T22:30:00+02:00"
02/05/2021 10:31:55,02/05/2021 10:31:55,"réunion GT rédaction du projet de campagne","
[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-04T20:00:00+02:00","2021-05-04T22:30:00+02:00"
02/05/2021 10:39:10,02/05/2021 10:39:10," Le 8 mai 2021 contre la privatisation de nos biens communs ","le 8 mai à 12h rendez-vous devant l'usine du barrage de Serre-Ponçon  RASSEMBLEMENT/DÉAMBULATION/PIQUE-NIQUE

Stop au self service, résistons ensemble contre le vol de nos biens communs. il est temps de réinventer les services publics. 
Ces services du 21ème siècle devront être démocratiques, débureaucratisés, humains ,non numérisés et décentralisés.
Nous appelons toutes les organisations citoyennes, syndicales et associatives qui le souhaitent a rejoindre cette mobilisation.

Les biens communs appartiennent à la population.
L’état se doit d’être au service de la population et pas le contraire.

Quand tout sera privé on sera privé de tout !!!

info:","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-05-08T12:00:00+02:00","2021-05-05"
10/05/2021 08:43:36,10/05/2021 08:43:36,"première réunion du GT animation de campagne","[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-10T20:30:00+02:00","2021-05-10T22:30:00+02:00"
18/05/2021 07:08:25,18/05/2021 07:08:25,"Plénière 16","Plénière 16 - ","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-05-21T20:00:00+02:00","2021-05-21T22:00:00+02:00"
24/05/2021 14:32:00,24/05/2021 14:32:00,"GT animation de campagne","[[ lien zoom de la réunion]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-05-26T20:30:00+02:00","2021-05-26T22:30:00+02:00"
24/05/2021 16:04:46,24/05/2021 16:04:46,"Facebook Live "" économie de montagne ""","Le collectif ouvre la discussion sur le projet. Au menu du premier épisode d'une série de quatre: l'économie de montagne, pour un avenir durable. Comment décliner Solidarité, Ecologie et Citoyenneté entre tourisme et vivre au pays, bilan de l'existant et projections, avec quatre intervenants. **Toutes vos questions en direct.  Rendez vous à 20h précises**
 [[ cliquer ici pour nous rejoindre]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-05-25T20:00:00+02:00","2021-05-25T21:00:00+02:00"
01/06/2021 10:34:54,01/06/2021 10:34:54,"Facebook Live "" Culture et vie associative ""","Mardi 1er juin, le deuxième épisode de Facebook live, toujours aussi motivés pour discuter autour de notre projet. Ce soir, Culture et vie associative sont au programme, rejoignez nous nombreux pour poser les questions, débattre avec les intervenants. A partir de 20heures, c'est par ici:","Facebook live","2021-06-01T20:00:00+02:00","2021-06-01T21:00:00+02:00"
07/06/2021 10:06:32,07/06/2021 10:06:32,"Grande rencontre du collectif à Briançon","Rendez-vous à 11 h à la gare de Briançon pour une déambulation vers le marché en compagnie des candidats du collectif de tout le département.
Animation, théâtre et musique accompagneront notre pic-nic au parc de la Schappe. 

Déplacement en train à privilégier et regroupement dans les gares depuis Gap

[[]]","Événément local (canton...)","2021-06-13T11:00:00+02:00","2021-06-13T17:00:00+02:00"
07/06/2021 14:59:23,07/06/2021 14:59:23,"Facebook Live "" Démocratie et participation citoyenne""","Mardi 8 juin, le deuxième épisode de Facebook live, toujours aussi motivés pour discuter autour de notre projet. Ce soir, Démocratie et participation citoyenne sont au programme, rejoignez nous nombreux pour poser les questions, débattre avec les intervenants. A partir de 20heures, c'est par ici:","Facebook live","2021-06-08T20:00:00+02:00","2021-06-08T21:00:00+02:00"
14/06/2021 17:25:16,14/06/2021 17:25:16,"Facebook Live "" la solidarité""","4ème et dernier rendez-vous avant les élections, pour aborder une compétence majeure majeure du département : la solidarité","Facebook live","2021-06-15T20:00:00+02:00","2021-06-15T21:00:00+02:00"
14/06/2021 17:28:28,14/06/2021 17:28:28,"ELECTIONS","C'est le jour J ! ","Événement extérieur au collectif","2021-06-20T08:00:00+02:00","2021-06-20T18:00:00+02:00"
16/06/2021 05:59:25,16/06/2021 05:59:25,"Réunion plénière 17","

ATTENTION - La plénière a été décalée à **20h30** pour laisser au plus grand nombre la possibilité d'y participer car beaucoup d'action en cette fin de campagne ... Merci de votre compréhension","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-06-17T20:30:00+02:00","2021-06-17T22:00:00+02:00"
29/04/2021 21:22:18,01/10/2024 17:56:19,"Réunion Groupe d'Animation","[[ 10 ways to make potential love interests say “umm, nevermind. i’m good”]]
[[ Real Love Isn't Always Fireworks And Butterflies]]
[[ The Coolest Things About Being In A Relationship]]
[[ Unpacking the Behavior That Drives Us All Crazy]]
[[ Why I Hate “Good Girl” Problems]]
[[ Retarded Relationship Paradoxes]]
[[ Extremely Tempting…And Toxic Types Of Women]]
[[ 5 Very Smart Ways To Help You Stay Faithful]]
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-04-30T18:00:00+02:00","2021-04-30T19:30:00+02:00"
23/02/2021 12:51:31,02/10/2024 16:31:33,"réunion Groupe candidature","[[ 5 Universal Dating Truths]]
[[ 10 Very Smart Dating Tips For Dummies]]
[[ The One About When Guys Are Vulnerable…]]
[[ Ladies Here’s How You Get Caught Up…Again]]
[[ Are You An Interracial Relationship Racist?]]
[[ When You’re Dating Somebody Who Isn’t Dating You]]
[[ Do’s and Don’ts for ""Nice"" Guys & Girls in Dating]]
[[ Three Signs You Are Dating A “Good Dude”]]","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-02-23T18:30:00+01:00","2021-02-23T20:00:00+01:00"
04/10/2024 17:16:19,04/10/2024 17:16:19,"""Debunking the Myths: What Women Worry About That Men Don’t","[[ Black Marriage Negotiations: Here’s What They Think About You]]
[[ When Beauty Leads To Bad Choices In Dating]]
[[ The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On]]
[[ Hard To Master Skills Every Single Man Must Posses]]
[[ Why Vague Dating Requirements Are Keeping You Single]]
[[ 5 Things Women Do That Men Just Don’t Do]]
[[ What Men Actually Care About in Dating]]
[[ 6 Little Known Things Single Men Really Care About]]
[[ How Your “Look” Affects Your Luck In Dating]]","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-10","2022-10-10"
07/10/2024 17:08:42,07/10/2024 17:08:42,"From Meet-Cute to Meet-Online: How Digital Dating Disrupts Human Contact","[[ 8 Things Commonly Assumed To Be Black That Ain’t Really]]
[[ The Truth About Men]]
[[ Black Culture Decoded]]
[[ Signs That You Might Not Be Compatible]]
[[ Relationship Rules]]
[[ Jobs Most Likely To Lead to Hanky Panky On The Job]]
[[ Movies That Will End Your Half-Assed Relationship]]
[[ Reasons Why He’s With a White Woman]]


134TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 5:59 am

Where do women of your type live? lol


135nillalatte July 18, 2011 at 1:22 pm
Ahhh, we are rare creatures indeed. Fortunately for you, this forum provides ample opportunity to meet such a woman as many of the sisters here possess such a quality, and I have seen it in action. ;)

side note: never really considered myself a ‘type’, just real. LOL I’ll have to think on what ‘type’ of woman I project being now. :)


136TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 1:49 pm
Behind a computer screen is one thing….

Actually meeting such women in real life would be more believable. (And uplifting.)



137MizzCam July 18, 2011 at 2:27 pm
Ikr. I have so many interesting, intelligent conversations online with nice, attractive, respectful, well read men who live clear across the country…
In real life, interactions that start with, “Hey gul, come sit on my face,” happen more often than they should in any lifetime. #Jadedinthisdatinggame


138miss_sheri July 18, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Ha. I am about to start complimenting men on grammar and spelling. When did men forget how to spell. I got a text from an ex a couple of days ago that read: ” I apologises for how I treated you. I have changed allot.” What the hell?! I ignored him and deleted that s*@t.

","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-15","2022-10-16"
08/10/2024 14:22:52,08/10/2024 14:22:52,"Love or Lies? Recognizing Emotional Manipulation in Online Dating","[[ 5 Signs That You Just Might Have To Marry Her Ass]]
[[ Things You Should Never Say To a Black Woman.]]
[[ Male Solutions To Common Women Problems]]
[[ Things I Just Don’t Get About Women]]
[[ Valentine’s Day Date Options That Won’t Cost You A Fortune]]
[[ Things That You Just Shouldn’t Do While Dating]]
[[ Valentine’s Day Alternatives for Those Without Plans Or People To Plan Stuff With]]
[[ Why Your “Number” Matters So Much Yo Us]]
[[ They Are Cheating On You With A Friend Of Yours]]


209WIP July 18, 2011 at 8:45 am
I thought about that too, when I see my female friends, the first thing we do is start the compliments. “You look good, you look cute, I like your hair, you dropped a few pounds?” Watching reality shows, I see women do that too. The first thing they say when they see each other “oh, you guys look beautiful, you look so pretty.” I’m not sure what that’s about!


210Leonie UK July 18, 2011 at 2:05 am
Giving compliments is my daily thing, I can’t help it. I just love the thought, whatever I put out, will come back to me double. But sometimes it backfires. Case in point. I gave a female a compliment on her outfit, and she felt this was an open invation to dinner and a ” quick sneaky shag” 0-0. So it’s not only men that are thirsty for compliments.

Favourite compliments I love getting are ” Your smile is beautiful” ” ” Sunshine is in the building” and my favourite ” Auntie you make the best cuppa EVER”


211MizzCam July 18, 2011 at 2:15 am
I get the smile one a lot. Makes me proud of my pearly whites. =)


212herbetteroption July 18, 2011 at 11:39 am
u do have a pretty smile btw


213MizzCam July 18, 2011 at 12:04 pm
aww shucks, Thanks.


214Cali July 18, 2011 at 2:21 am
**is gonna start complementing random dudes**

","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-15","2022-10-15"
09/10/2024 17:20:10,09/10/2024 17:20:10,"Challenging Perception: Black Men, Success, and the Interracial Marriage Stereotype","[[ Things Every Grown Black Man Needs In His Life]]
[[ The Black Dating Game]]
[[ How To Stop “That” Dude From Trying To Talk To You]]
[[ 10 Most Common Lies People Tell in A Relationship]]
[[ I’ll Be Your Pappy: The Silence of the Daddy Issues]]
[[ Three Underrated Relationship Benchmarks]]
[[ Why Successful Men Don’t Want To Put A Ring On it]]
[[ Annoying Things Women Only Do If They’re Into You]]
[[ How Every Single Young Woman Can Improve Her Luck]]

336WIP July 18, 2011 at 9:42 am
LOL, I don’t know about anyone else, but it’s really not like that. I’d be silent before I gave a fake compliment. I think we just like complimenting our friends. “Mean Girls” was over in high school.
(Is it just me, or are kids in the high school movies way meaner than IRL? The kids at my high school were relatively friendly.)


337Orange Star Happy Hunting July 18, 2011 at 9:53 am
exactly I don’t give brawds fake compliments WTH for, but depending on a guy’s arrogance level I will withhold certain info, like if I know he got racks of brawds on his scrotum, I won’t be one more.


338Cheekie July 18, 2011 at 11:14 am
“Word” on that arrogance level. Like, I’ll WITHOLD a compliment based on principle (gassing folks up who is already a walking BP? Nawl, the gas is too dayum high), but give a fake one. *snort*… ok.


339Orange Star Happy Hunting July 18, 2011 at 11:41 am


340TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 1:25 pm
“(Is it just me, or are kids in the high school movies way meaner than IRL? The kids at my high school were relatively friendly.)”

Nah, they can be that mean in real life. I was on the receiving end of some of that back when I was a lowercase G. Montell.

Then again, I went to high school in Detroit….


341Malik July 18, 2011 at 2:26 pm
(Is it just me, or are kids in the high school movies way meaner than IRL? The kids at my high school were relatively friendly.)
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-31","2022-10-31"
11/10/2024 14:37:42,11/10/2024 14:37:42,"Online Dating for Men: Secrets to Attracting the Right Match","[[ A Simpler Guide to Single Men]]
[[ Top 10 Signs He Is Cheating On You]]
[[ Check Out Girls Without Getting Caught]]
[[ 10 Steps to Get Over Your Ex]]
[[ How To: Forget Your Dating Check List]]
[[ A Female Player's Strategy: The Preemptive Strike]]
[[ It's Okay To Be Needy]]
[[ Why Klutzy Women Are Attractive]]
[[ How Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life]]
[[ Men Play Dating Games Too]]

i don’t know about this. i’m all about passing shit tests and not taking beta bait, but i’m not so much about raw dog. if a chick is letting you in sans rubber, how many other dudes have done the same. and how many other girls have those other dudes been with. even if a girl has only been with a couple of other guys, the exposure is exponentially increasing.

not to mention the power a woman has over you if one of your boys slips past the goalie and you knock her up.

on June 1, 2010 at 12:01 pmThe Rookie
I like how you say that a shit test is an opportunity to demonstrate higher value. If you aren’t getting shit tested, you’re just wasting your time entertaining her, right?

on June 1, 2010 at 12:12 pmPeter (not GNP)
Honestly, ladies, whatever your 1-10 looks ranking is, you should be striving for a big fat ZERO for your STD rating.

Yeah, the fastest rising HIV infected population is heterosexual women, apparently. Receptive hetero intercourse carries a much lower risk (1 in 1000) of HIV than teh buttsex (1 in 100) – but the risks for STD’s add together. So a chick with Herpes and HIV will have a greater chance of giving you HIV. Plus hetero chicks do teh butsex more and more anyway – probably the reason for their higher HIV infection rates.

Of course, here in the first world, the low number of HIV infected women plus the low chance of transmission in a single act of intercourse means you’re unlikely to get an HIV infection from a one night stand.

But you never know where any chick has been. That sweet med-school student you were dating probably spent a summer in africa building a village with Medecins sans Frontieres, and likely got plowed by a high status, highly educated local. Who might be a closet bull queer who gets his pick of the local ass buffet.

Oh, the best part! Most STIs are transmitted through relationship concurrency – mistresses and tail-end-of-relationship affairs. I.e. you’re raw-dogging your girlfriend, but took the beta bait, failed the shit tests, and now she’s getting reamed out on the side. The guy she’s seeing has a friend with benefits, they also raw-dog, etc, etc.

on June 1, 2010 at 12:13 pmNewAlpha

If she persists, she’s being a whiny inquisitive brat. Agree and amplify.

","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-28","2022-10-30"
11/10/2024 17:37:54,11/10/2024 17:37:54,"Dealing with Rejection: A Confidence Boost for Single Men","[[ What Do Women REALLY Want?]]
[[ The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters]]
[[ Relax Dude I Am Not Swinging From Your Nuts]]
[[ How To Survive Dating a ‘Walking Smoker’]]
[[ Setting Yourself Apart From the Herd]]
[[ The Best Reasons to Withhold Your Cakes]]
[[ He Finally Has Me And Now He’s Bored?]]
[[ 12 Things Dull People Do That Make Them Boring]]
[[ The Independent Single Woman: Self-Satisfaction]]

Without losing hand, he can (assuming Wednesday works out for him) convey that she is the only one he is *currently* screwing. He already plans to mysteriously “resolve some things” which she will interpret as dumping other girls he has been dating although those girls may actually be left with the impression that no bridges have been burned. That frees him from scrutiny for a while, but he is worried about preserving his options. He is contemplating lying as the only way to fool around with other women while keeping PCG.

I say: Gorb, it’s too early to be looking ahead to this. You’ll ruin the frame. You can be 100% honest about your previous relationships right now, and honesty is very powerful. There are two ways to keep a girl properly worried about losing you, but in this case only one of them works because she eclipses the other girls so much.

That is, “you might not turn out to be good enough for me and I might have to look for someone better eventually” is the right way, and “right now there are other girls who appeal to me despite the fact that I am with you so you’d better keep on your toes” is the wrong way. See the subtle difference? The wrong way, you say she has already been found to be imperfectly enthralling, so she gets mad and kicks you to the curb; the right way, she knows you have found nothing wrong with her so far but still feels the need to keep qualifying herself to you.

With a girl who was less sure about her value relative to other girls, both methods of instilling insecurity might work, but when she knows damn well there is nobody currently in your orbit who will outshine her, she simply won’t believe she has to worry about a specific current rival. Her worry has got to be eventually losing your interest, not that she’s currently inadequate.

I’ve noticed that some high quality, non-slutty girls are much more likely to forgive interest in a girl you knew before you met her, and poisonously angry if you develop a liking for someone new. They only partially understand men: they know men differ from women in not naturally ceasing to find a partner attractive once someone better has come along, but they want to be so much more than enough for you that you would lose interest in new women, which is unrealistic but necessary for them to not feel inadequate. The corollary is if she knows she is hotter than any other girl you’ve had, she’ll expect exclusivity.

With a slutty girl you can stay noncommittal, expecting that she’ll stick around for the O’s, but that ain’t happening for you with PCG.

Fortunately, you can still be honest if you deflect slightly, viz.:

Girl: You’re not going to mess around with other girls, right?

You: I’m not interested in them, I’m interested in you. (Note shift to present tense, and use of specific “them”rather than generic “other girls”, to show that they exist and it will be your choice not to pursue them.)

Girl: But you won’t do it, right? Because it would be over for us then.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-23","2022-10-24"
15/10/2024 17:06:25,15/10/2024 17:06:25,"Letting Go of Closure: Why You’re Not Owed an Explanation","[[ Five Subtle Signs That He Ain't Bad]]
[[ Do You Expect Your Partner To Cheat?]]
[[ 10 Reasons Why You Will Not Get A Call Back]]
[[ Why I Never Will Date A White Woman]]
[[ Tiger Woods Elin Nordegren And Golfgate]]
[[ The Five Worst Times To Approach A Black Woman]]
[[ Why Won’T You Let Me Be Great?]]
[[ What men usually hear when women are talking to us]]
[[ Bedroom Tactics Gone Bad: 5 Things You Really Should Ask About.]]

""It's to compete wih my girlfriends, so I can be the most attractive"".
I then ask, ""Why?"" and they tell me it's to increase their percieved social status among the group, to be alpha female.
I ask, ""Why do you want to be the most attractive or the alpha female?""
They all reply the same thing, ""The alpha female usually gets the hottest guy and gets the most male attention"".

Then you go on to say,
""And men in general don't realize that women do NOT think about sex all day like they do. We don't even think about it once per day. Or once per week"".

That is the single most absurd comment. The normal, well-adjusted women that I know not only think about sex more than once a day, they desire that sex strongly on a daily basis. Those women sometimes don't act on those desires because they're afraid of their social circle or peers judging them to be a slut, thereby lowering their value in their social circle, thereby decreasing their potential to attract the 'hottest guy' or be the 'alpha female'.

All your comments are doing is attempting to sustain the ridiculous and thoroughly incorrect ideas that women are not sexual and for a man to make his sexual intentions known to a woman by being honest and genuine would get him nowhere. I know from my own experience that to in fact make my sexual intentions known to a woman tactfully, has always made it easier for the woman and I to seduce each other and have a wonderful experience. My sexual interest in women can be communicated verbally or physically, with non-verbal body language and physical escalation or a combination of both. 
Women need to know that a man is sexually interested in them to have sex with that man. 
You talk about what women like, what they don't like and what they're tired of. Men don't care about that, we care about what works to get wonderful women to be in our lives to add value to our lives. 
You give no practical advice as to 'What to do' or what works to be patient or to phrase more accurately, ""outcome independance"" and neither does this article, as was the subject of the first comments by anonymous.

dakota Says:
January 6th, 2010 at 8:17 pm
I’ve been in a relationship with a girl for over 6 months…. And everything has been perfect till about 3 weeks ago… She and i have started arguing and its over stuff that ant even worth it….

When i first meet her i was determined to get with her and she was the same about me she use to tell me how much she loved me and that she wonted to be with me forever and all of that… Well now she dont… And i am so scared of looseing her that all i think about is how i am going to loose her and all the negitive things how can i keep from doing that? I no that she wouldnt but i am always worried about it.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-28","2022-10-29"
16/10/2024 17:42:22,16/10/2024 17:42:22,"The Dos and Don’ts of Breaking Up in the Online Dating World","[[ Paranoia and Relationships: How Far Is Too Far?]]
[[ Love Without A Limit?!]]
[[ I Got That White Girl: The Hampton Edition.]]
[[ Behind the Macho Mask]]
[[ Witty Wisdom For Dating Mating And Crime-Fighting]]
[[ The Cruelest Things Women Consistently Do To Men]]
[[ Dating Do’s And Dont’s For “Nice” Guys And Girls]]
[[ Closure And The Big Owe.]]
[[ The Most Overrated Things About New York City]]

MidoriLei Says:
December 16th, 2011 at 4:42 pm
Hi Josh,

So I can see her disappointment because whatever you guys did while you were trying to win her, that’s the same stuff she’s expecting you will do together, you know? Otherwise it’s kinda like false advertising. I tell this to women about their looks. They shouldn’t do anything with their looks that they’re not willing to maintain or keep up long term. That too would be false advertising.

The biggest thing is that she needs to feel that youre being attentive. Even if you are exhausted, it shows you are making an effort. It’s less about surprising her as it is coming up with ideas with her to see what she would like to do too. That way she can tell you want to do things.

Also, is there any way you can do things in the mornings or is she out of the door while youre still sleeping?
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-10-28","2022-10-29"
17/10/2024 16:36:10,17/10/2024 16:36:10,"What’s Holding Women Back from Global Leadership?","[[ Breaking up with someone you still actually like]]
[[ First Dates You Should Never Take a Black Woman On]]
[[ Why Women Should Rule The World]]
[[ Do’s And Dont’s Of Making a Sex Tape]]
[[ Four Reasons Why women Shouldn’t Pursue Men]]
[[ Taking The Lead]]
[[ Can’t Trust It: 9 Women To Avoid At All Сosts]]
[[ Five Surefire Ways To Scare Her Away]]

Ice Cube was in that one, too… so you have a double whammy. Sweet.


Arafat Khadafi {June 22nd, 2009 at 10:01 am}

@Dante_Alexander, Yeah. That’s right. Chicken Foots sucking as. NR.


Yaa {June 22nd, 2009 at 9:59 am}

@Naturally Alise, has he been typecast for these roles or something?


SAULE WRIGHT {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:05 am}

@Naturally Alise,

Ving has played a woman/crossdresser/gay a few times…Must be da money!


Cheekie {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:24 pm}

@Naturally Alise,

I need to sit down and look at this, especially when I’m in a goofy mood. I always see it on BET halfway through the movie, and say I’m gonna sit down and watch this.

I don’t know why but seeing Ving in drag made me uncomfortable upon first viewing but now I’ve come to terms with it all. Plus, why is his name Ving? Sound likes some straight onomatopoeia ish. Like it should be in a Batman comic or something. I mean really, Mama Rhames, reallyM/b>?!


Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 4:35 pm}


“Sound likes some straight onomatopoeia ish. Like it should be in a Batman comic or something.”

LOL! This is the fantasy in my head…
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-10-28","2021-10-30"
22/10/2024 17:36:34,22/10/2024 17:36:34,"Winning with Wit: How Confidence and Humor Help You Attract Women","[[ 3 Common Relationship Mistakes Women Make]]
[[ Love Awkwardness and Regret: The Day I Walked Away]]
[[ Friend Zoned and Heartbroken: Lessons from an Imaginary Romance]]
[[ What Every Woman Should Know About a Man’s Code of Honor]]
[[ How to Handle Breakups Without Questioning]]
[[ Attracting Women with Confidence and Humor]]
[[ Keep Your Woman Secure Without Fighting]]
[[ Men Play Dating Games Too]]

The Game with Michael Douglas? I thought that was good. lol


pgh muse {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:10 pm}

@Me fail english?, That movie was good!


WuDaMan {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:32 pm}

@pgh muse, That movie was scary


39Cheekie { 06.22.09 at 11:14 am }
I stanned mad hard for Vampire in Brooklyn when I was a kid. But, you wouldn’t be able to tell nowadays because I completely forgot about that movie so I desperately need to revisit easier times.


40Kindred Smile { 06.22.09 at 11:19 am }
I strongly feel that any bad movie + IG friends + likka = cinematic greatness.

Also? I don’t see how anyone hasn’t mentioned “Cover”. It’s got Vivica Fox, Paula Jai Parker, effin LEON?! This movie attempted to expose the lifestyle of the DL brotherhood, but ended up a tangy mess all around.

Watch it. It’s so bad it’s…bad, but I guarantee you WILL be entertained.


Omar {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:29 am}

@Kindred Smile, Speaking of Leon, Cool Runnings was hilarious bad accents and all…


Cheekie {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:40 am}


I love Leon. He born to play David Ruffin in The Temptations.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-10-22","2021-10-26"
25/10/2024 17:37:55,25/10/2024 17:37:55,"Love in the Digital Age: Finding Happiness in Online Dating","[[ 5 Dumb Reasons People Use to Avoid Dating]]
[[ The Six Part Guide To Keeping A Woman Happy]]
[[ Many Faces of Man]]
[[ The Real Key to a Lasting Marriage]]
[[ The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have]]
[[ Recognizing a Toxic Partner Before It’s Too Late]]
[[ Debunking Of Six Commonly Held Relationship Fallacies]]
[[ Two Surefire Ways To Ensure Your Happiness]]
[[ Dating Mistake That Educated Women Make]]
[[ Living Together Before Marriage Is A Good Idea?]]
[[ The Secret to Male Happiness]]

12:01: the champ makes eye contact with chick who could easily pass for a lighter, hooder, version of nia long�. he approaches her. they introduce themselves (her name was “gee”).

they talk.

12:05: they talk some more.

12:10: they dance.

12:15: the champ takes the short break between songs as an opportunity to get gee’s number. the champ enjoys getting women’s numbers in the middle of packed dance floors, because it give him the opportunity to show everyone that he has a sidekick.

12:16: because of the noise level, the champ can’t really understand what she’s saying, so he hands her the phone to put her name and digits in herself. when finished, she hands the phone back to the champ, gives him a very nice hug, and goes back to chill with her girls.

12:18: before going to search for the rest of his crew of extremely inebriated assh*les, the champ glances in the phone to make sure she saved her info correctly, sess that “gee’s” full name was “gretchen”, and debates whether or not he was mentally, spiritually, and emotionally prepared to continue his life with a woman named “gretchen” in his address book.

12:20: sadly, the champ deletes the number.

ok, vsb…you’ve just read mine. now i want to hear yours. whats the shallowest, strangest, and most shamefully superficial reason you’ve ever had for dismissing a potential mate? we all got em, so no holier-than thouedness allowed today.

One year ago today, The Champ. Panama Jackson, and Liz, launched  In effect, we started this gangsta sh*t…and this the mother*cking thanks we get?

Sorry, wrong video.

Anyway, what started out as a convo between The Champ and I as a way to keep our names out there in the public while we work on our book became a site where people come to laugh, cry, wax philosophical, wax ignancophical, to wax on and wax off.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-10-30","2021-10-31"
29/10/2024 17:47:11,29/10/2024 17:47:11,"Is It Possible to Break Free from the Friend Zone?","[[ Three Great Things To Do If Dateless On Valentines Day]]
[[ 10 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming A Daddy]]
[[ How To Snag A Last Minute Valentine’s Date]]
[[ 5 Fun Ways to Argue Without Breaking Up]]
[[ 6 Signs You’ve Fallen Into The “Friend Zone”]]
[[ 6 Signs That A Woman Has Been Friend-Zoned]]
[[ A Guide To Avoiding Relationship Fumbles]]
[[ A Guide to Making New Friends]] Says:
February 4th, 2011 at 12:54 am
This is interesting advice.. while these questions are very good and useful, i would add that the timing of the questions is important also.. You don’t wanna scare the other party away..

Laura Says:
February 20th, 2011 at 5:12 pm
To someone who said that most of those question could’nt be answered I can say that maybe that was the wrong person you asked all that then :) everyone who has some common sence and thinks a little bit could answer that. And if he/she cant do that, then well…. in that case I think I would have my answer if that person is worth my attention :)

MidoriLei Says:
February 22nd, 2011 at 6:47 pm
Laura, so true. The kind of person who is willing to invest some thought and provide you with answers shows that he is more serious and thinking more long term than the person who can’t answer them or doesn’t want to. It’s not that they can’t be answered. It’s that some people aren’t willing to answer them. It also shows that the person actually cares about relationships and how to make them work.

Rahul Says:
March 8th, 2011 at 7:59 pm
So J prom is coming up and I really want to ask this girl. Shes been a friend for the last 4 years, but shes been going out with one of my friends for the last 1-1.5ish, its just that they have broken up at the mo and no one knows if they are gonna get back together. But since they have done that like 3 times already, idk what will happen. But anyway, Idk what I should do. I don’t wanna offend my friend (the guy). I asked da gall what her plans were for J prom and she was like, I’d go if someone asked me. I wanted to do it right there and then but I controlled my self lol. What should I do??

MidoriLei Says:
March 10th, 2011 at 5:44 pm
Rahul, ASK HER! her comment was a hint to ask her! But if you don’t want to offend your guy friend, run it by him and let him know your plans to ask her out. Don’t ask him for permission (as she does not belong to him and they are broken up) but just let him know your plans so he isn’t shocked when you go together. If he is like “That’s not cool! Don’t ask her to the prom!” then you have to say, “Sorry, she’s a free woman, she’s going to have to make that decision.”

dede Says:
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-10-27","2021-11-25"
31/10/2024 17:44:27,31/10/2024 17:44:27,"Avoid Common Dating Mistakes with These Key Tips","[[ Why I Keep Falling for Nurses and Teachers]]
[[ Holiday Gifts to Avoid While Dating]]
[[ Avoiding Dating Pitfalls with These 8 Mental Trick]]
[[ A Look at Hollywood’s Relationship with Black Pain]]
[[ Wild Cherry Flags]]
[[ The Perils of Past Relationships]]
[[ Jealousy: Wasted Energy or Relationship Fuel?]]
[[ Master the Science of Getting Dumped with Style!]]

My reflexes are all wrong and I am working every day to create normal behavior. But fear is my companion, moment by moment. I flinch at loud noises, at traffic sounds, doors slamming, sudden cries of the young.

I trance out and visions fill me at the drop of a hat, then the cold spot from everything you agreed to being a joke and the sound of screams rise and I’m balling up and “too late, too late could I have done more” wars with “she never listened anyway you are nothing and the pain for her rises and ….”

I speak in poetry and melodrama to shield myself from having to say any of this. I make up a me and let it play for you. I’ve gotten so good at it I can just go hide in the corner while my fingers type and my mind runs on. I can write for facts and I can also write for feelings. Those feelings are over there and I don’t have to handle them except in lines of print. I polish the lines of words until it becomes the music and songs that let me hide.

CS: Do you think other people were aware of your mother’s abuse of you and your sister at the time? If so, in what ways did they respond?

MG: You assume that I would have felt free to say anything. There was always drama and there was always the invisible blade of what would happen if all of this dreadful secret got out. The atmosphere of fear of discovery was simply everywhere and there was no place to hide.

Worse, I was ashamed. When you are small you believe stuff, and I felt with my whole heart that I was responsible when she would go bad. There was absolutely no way I was gonna drag the mountain onto my head. And that made every day a drama, a thick clogged tube of waiting for the dreadful, the un-nameable horror.

And nobody spoke. Everything was always fine and that was my clown suit. I thought everyone knew and that I was such a bad person no one would speak to me. My echo chamber filled me with such fear of exposure I would do anything to make the shadow go away. And I did. The shame paints my world yellow and pink and brown. I don’t want to say these things any more.

Marion Zimmer Bradley’s star rose with the feminist movement. She was a luminary for feminists who were seeking a form of spirituality they could call their own. Her Mists of Avalon, published in 1983, provided just what many of these women were looking for at just the right moment; as the cheesy New Age spirituality of the 1970s wound down, Bradley’s invention of a world of Celtic druids and priestesses struggling against fierce Saxon masculists and Roman Catholic patriarchs offered a mythology that many Anglo women could relate to on a deeper, ancestral level.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-10-07","2021-10-09"
06/11/2024 16:46:30,06/11/2024 16:46:30,"Should You Share Passwords in a Relationship?","[[ Things You Should Never Tell Your Dating Partner]]
[[ Why Romantic Comedies Might Ruin Your Love Life]]	
[[ The Pitfalls of Long-Distance Dating]]
[[ A Humorous Take on Culture, Fun, and Dating Standards]]
[[ Whats In A Name?]]
[[ The Loveawake Guide to One-Night Stand Etiquette]]
[[ Advice to My Younger Self]]
[[ 3 Signs That You Might Be A Bitter Man]]
[[ Let’s Be Friends.]]
[[ Roses]]
[[ Men Temptation and Commitment]]
[[ Night Out Etiquette: Nightlife Etiquette Loveawake Style]]
[[ Monogamy for Dummies]]
[[ Oh No (S)He Didn’t!]]
[[ The Dangers of Rating Your Girlfriend]]

All the money and time you can save.
Wild trips to South America and Southeast Asia.

Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 1
Visitant July 22, 2014 at 19:10
@The Brass Cat

Isn’t patriarchy some sort of instinct after basic animal order has been surpassed? The same way we act now almost instantly about morals over competition and so on, maybe patriarchy and women resorting to accepting monogamy could be instinct?

Personally I believe we were very close to changing basic instincts. By morals and logic, respectable thinking (REAL progress) men were achieving a state where women would trade gratefully and without second thoughts their animal-like hypergamy by respect, safety, better house/income, better child raising, more comfort and love in monogamy/patriarchy.

Men on their way would gladly change their basic animal response to fatherhood, loyalty, loving and romance. All that contributed by forming better child, better individuals, better societies and a more sound life economically/affectionately. By the promise of value of all that by women…

More so, we were achieving that by agreement. Woman saw that as benefical just as men and marriage happened this way naturally and not forced. As opposite in most of the world where women are/were FORCED to marry to the mere convenience of men one way or another.

Patriarchy would be accepted, not forced and instinctive if were not by feminism and the victory of a small group of whores wanting “freedom” that was transferred to all society. Also, a number of legitimate women seeking equality was trapped by the illusion.

Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0
Judo-chop July 22, 2014 at 20:28
I imagine watching their seniors who are hitting 40 in record numbers as washed out, miserable spinsters, also is driving this phenomenon.

Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0
Nemo July 22, 2014 at 23:21
“Problem is the sexual morality game was never about restricting women, it was always about restricting MEN, unrestricted male behaviour is the destructive current. Rape, murder, destruction, conflict, anarchy etc. is the sole purview of the male sex.”
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-11-28","2021-11-30"
07/11/2024 17:12:58,07/11/2024 17:12:58,"Post-Breakup Success: A Guide for the Newly Single","[[ Moments in Dating We'd Wipe Away if We Had the Chance]]
[[ Lies Damn Lies and Wonderbras.]]
[[ Pole Position]]
[[ The Goggles]]	
[[ Kinky Dating]]	
[[ The Art Of The Breakup: 10 No-Nos For The Dumper]]	
[[ The Dumpee Survival Guide]]
[[ Chick Logic (Or the Lack Thereof)]]
[[ Why Women Shouldn't Make the First Move in Dating]]

Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
DW3 July 26, 2014 at 06:41
Bill, I’m sorry; I love what you write and enormously respect the time and effort you put in to the blog, but this comparison is too much of stretch, even for one of your biggest fanboys. Chesterton is next only to the Almighty and his Son in terms of wisdom and skill with words, and compared to that, you’re just some guy pondering the world.

Coincidentally, my mother and I were discussing Chesterton only a couple days ago, and I have been re-reading “Orthodoxy” since then. Our discussion was about whether Jesus’ words were just a man describing things in his own terms, or directly inspired by God the Father. Chesterton somewhere wrote that Jesus had his own voice or tone, and it has lead me back to a very satisfying and thought-provoking section on one of my bookshelves.

Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 18
justlooking July 26, 2014 at 08:45
A somewhat tangential view…:
I will go further, and opine that feminism actually started many, many years back…to the Garden of Eden, if you will. I was struck with the consistency of the message of feminism right from the very beginning. Just as women are being told today, Eve was told that God was trying to keep her down; that there would be no consequences for going against natural order; and that she would be equal with God if she rebelled against everything she knew; that she deserved this equality, irrespective of her personal qualifications and efforts. We all know how it ended.
Todays women are being sold the same bill of goods, only that “God” has been replaced by “The Patriarchy”.
Unfortunately, we have an idea how it’s all going to end. The sad part of it though, is that when the push comes to shove, both the feminists and the nonfeminists will be negatively affected.

Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 0
shmiggen July 26, 2014 at 10:09
That’s pretty damn good. Can anyone doubt the last paragraph? Who hasn’t been in an office and seen two or three office girls running around as though the stationary and computers were her own children?

Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-11-26","2021-11-29"
08/11/2024 17:26:11,08/11/2024 17:26:11,"Does Your Partner’s Potential Excite or Frustrate You?","[[ Why Sharing Passwords With Your Partner]]
[[ How To Tell If A Man Is Interested In You]]
[[ Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Break-Up]]
[[ The Dating With EXpectation Factor]]
[[ Dating Real Test Is in the Wallet]]
[[ How To Know That Your Relationship Is In Trouble]]
[[ When Potential Becomes a Relationship Killer]]
[[ The Unspoken Truths About Blame in Relationships]]
[[ How Technology is Killing the Romance]]

For the good of the child and the family, I think paternal leave should also be included in any parental leave legislation. For some men, it might be easier, depending on the living situation, to avoid the house and go to work every day, but for most it isn’t. It wasn’t for me, even when there was a grandmother to provide support. For one thing, the baby doesn’t sleep on your schedule, so your ability to follow routines and get enough sleep is severely compromised. Anyone who is familiar with a baby’s cries knows that it’s almost impossible to ignore or sleep through them, and that’s by design. For guys who work with heavy machinery or have long commutes, this could be downright dangerous. One solution, if the house is big enough, is to sleep in another room. But even that doesn’t always do the trick, and sleeping on a couch is far from ideal.

Another issue is that the mother can’t take care of housework as usual. Babies are extremely demanding, and if it comes down to feeding husband or child, baby wins. Despite birth, mother and child remain a “unit” for months postpartum. When she leaves, the baby gets upset. Experienced fathers like me have some tricks up our sleeves for calming babies, but they don’t always work — sometimes nursing is the only thing that will calm them down. So, unless you want to be stuck with a screaming baby watching thWhen Uncle Elmer linked news of the Zoe Quinn affair(s) last week, I looked over the story and found myself mostly just appalled by the behavior of these “adults” involved in the gaming scene. Quinn herself isn’t much of a surprise, but given how easy it was for her to sleep with so many guys in the same industry in such a short timeframe I wonder how desperate these game developers must be. For starters, Zoe Quinn isn’t a stunner. Far from it. She doesn’t hold a candle to some of the manslayers I’ve come across in my day. It’s really one of those “no contest” sorts of things. She might hold her own in a place like Ketchikan, filled as it is with lonely fishermen, but the Bay Area? Pathetic.

I also have to say that I’m not too impressed by her boyfriend, Eron Gjoni. Sharing all the intimate details instead of sticking to the basic facts of a failed relationship is bad form. It’s a high school level of self-indulgence. For those readers who might be tempted to do the same, don’t. It’s best not to name names, post photos, publicly air text messages or trash the other party, even if they are in the wrong, because it reflects poorly on you. Longtime readers will know that I rarely mention my ex, and only do so when I have to explain important, relevant facts. I wouldn’t dream of posting her picture or any private correspondence. Nevertheless, I’m glad Zoe’s ex did it, because now I know a little more about the culture in the most economically dynamic part of America (nothing flattering), but eventually I just got tired plodding through all the gossipy details. After reading the story, I showed it to my wife, and she was pretty amazed that such childish people populate one of the wealthiest places on earth. I wonder sometimes whether these people – several of whom look to be in their thirties already – are aware of how outlandish and adolescent they appear to ordinary folks who are just trying to get by.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-11-04","2022-11-06"
12/11/2024 17:35:59,12/11/2024 17:35:59,"When Love Clicks, but Cash Doesn’t: Staying Connected with Little Funds","[[ Signs Men Look For Before Approaching]]	
[[ It’s Okay Not To Fight For Your Girl]]
[[ I Have No White Friends]]
[[ When Romance Gets Real]]
[[ How Fashion Trends Test Masculinity and Memory]]
[[ Getting Ready for ‘I Do’]]
[[ Why Is It Hard For Men To Write About Sex?]]
[[ Why Love Means Tolerating Each Other's Quirks]]
[[ When Love Escapes Us.]],_W%C3%BCrzburg_c.1900.jpg

The result was deep scars which they wore with pride

and they were a sign that they were men you could trust either as statesmen or to lead others to battle. They would not back down, retreat or grovel.

By the way, historians still wonder how come the Germans kept going after the thousands of tons of bombs the Allies were dropping constantly on German cities during WW2, the answer is simple: they were commanded by such men….

Those men of the old banged and married quality and refined females (who also happened to be virgins when they were married) and they produced intelligent, honourable and beautiful kids. They would occasionally bang quality prostitutes but they wouldn’t ruin their marriages nor publish books bragging about it.
Well that was the elite back then. Even the deracinated and money -obsessed WASPs had some quality in them.

What do we have now for aristocracy? Money-grabbing bankers, slimy creatures with the appearance and manners of a perverted building manager who would still your daughter’s underwear…
I mean seriously just look at one of the main representatives of them:

and what else? Geeks…Pimple-faced 30-something children who live in front of the screen, and even while they make tons of money they would still bang ugly freaks such as that Zoe Quinn.
We are living in an upside world. The problem aren’t people such as Zoe, she has done what most females of her class, status and style have done since the dawn of mankind. She uses sex to get things from men. The difference is that even 20 or 10 years ago you had to be at least goodlooking to get something from rich men….Now not even that is a factor….

I personally wouldn’t touch that freak for anything, her face screams venereal disease and overconsumption of antidepressants and narcotics.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2023-11-26","2023-11-29"
13/11/2024 16:24:53,13/11/2024 16:24:53,"Search Terms You Hope You’ll Never See In Your Boyfriend’s Broswer","[[ What It’s Like to Be a Guy]]
[[ Do You Want Me To Come Over or Nah?]]
[[ The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters]]
[[ Six Fundamental Rules Of Dating]]
[[ She's Out Of My League?]]
[[ 6 Simple Ways To Attract Guys]]
[[ 4 Things You Should Know About Arguing With Your Man]]
[[ A Guide to Recognizing Red Flags in Online Dating]]
[[ My Worst One Nite Stand Competition]]
[[ Is Friend With Benefits Really Possible?]]
[[ How White People Date]]
[[ Letter From An Ex-Girlfriend]]
[[ Seducing Someone More Attractive Than You]]

Not long ago your anxieties, curiosities, and private oddities remained safely in your head – no one really knew what was on your mind, at least until you acted on them. Now, thanks to Google, your mental footprints are sitting in the search history of your browser window (the browser doubles as a search bar for any half-way tech savvy person.) This poses a particular problem/opportunity if you’re dating someone – why wait for them to reveal their secrets, when they’re just a little trip to Google Chrome away? When you finally go here are some of the search phrases and word combinations you hope you won’t come across. (thanks to D.H.W and B.H.R for their additions)

what+does+ genital +herpes+look+like+male+shaft

















shaving+balls+laceration+tourniquet","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-11-25","2022-11-30"
18/11/2024 16:24:52,18/11/2024 16:24:52,"Most Iconic Black Movie Characters (Post-Blaxploitation)","[[ 5 Ways To Prove You’re Really In Love!]]
[[ Why Dating A Geek/Nerd Is Good Strategy]]
[[ Break-Up Do’s And Don’ts]]
[[ The “Straight” Dope On Traditional Marriage]]
[[ Things I Wish Mom Told Me About Dating]]
[[ The Struggle of Modern Love]]
[[ The Perils of Dating a Married Man]]
[[ A Woman’s Guide Of Back Hair Acceptance]]
[[ 10 Things Every Single Man Needs]]
[[ Epic Meet-Cute Scenarios for Online Daters]]
[[ 10 Things Every Single Woman Needs]]

If there’s one thing I love in life it’s Black movies. I can’t get enough. I like it, I love, I want more of it. It’s like that. In fact, my Netflix queue is full of movies that most people don’t know exist, and largely for good reason. But me? Naw, I want to see more productions by people who are just trying to create riveting entertainment that will stand the test of time.

Now, most directors and movies fail horribly at creating anything worth remembering, much less seeing again. However, they’re all chasing that elusive goal of creating a piece of art that inspires ripples through the community through development of characters and story lines that impact our lives. So with that in mind – and as I hope to one day create one of these movies – I created a list of the 10 most iconic Black movie characters, post blaxpoitation. You may disagree with a few of these, but that’s what makes for good television. Well, actually today what makes for good television is crazy women talking about who shook the table and what not. And pure ratchetness. But that’s another talk show. Moving on…here’s the definitively debatable list of characters that have changed your life.


1. Darius Lovehall (Love Jones)

This character has single-handedly ruined more relationships than any other on this list. Ever since Love Jones (the quintessential educated ninja Black movie) dropped, every. single. woman. has wanted to date a man like Darius. You know the guy…actually you don’t, because he doesn’t exist. He’s the perfect mix of intelligence and cool and artiness and focus and hell, everything. And the ninja makes omelets. Who can compete with that? Yeah, he’s #1.

2. Madea (The Tyler Perry Suite)

Did this ninja Panama lose his mind?? No, he didn’t and suck my left toe. Like it or love it, Madea is iconic. Nobody said this individual had to be positive or negative. But Tyler Perry wasn’t no fool. He created a character that nearly EVERYBODY knows, white or Black, who either makes people cringe in disgust or laugh in understanding. My parents love Madea. I hate Madea. If that isn’t success, I don’t know what is. Anyway, we all know somebody like Madea and she’s invaded our consciousness. Sucks for us.

3. Nina Mosley (Love Jones)

This may or may not be accurate, while Darius Lovehall is THE Black movie character and sh*t, Nina was more or less a siren for his intricacies. She allowed us the ability to get to know him as the unicorn that he is. I don’t know that she truly shined as anything more than a muze. But any muze that could create the most beloved Black male in history right after MLK and Malcolm X…and Obama, well, she deserves some credit as being written and created perfectly for him. It helped that Nia Long had that one scene where she wasn’t wearing a bra and sitting in the window. I haven’t watched this movie in years and I remember that vividly.

4. Smokey (Friday)

Not sure anything has to be said here. I mean, it’s Smokey. He was the most outrageous character in an outrageous movie with more one liners than Mitt Romney impersonating a presidential candidate. His energy alone made him an automatic mainstay in quotables and our consciousness. Plus, he let us know that Red was going to cry in the car AND that he had mind control over Debo…two lines that I used to hear weekly in conversations with white people studying to become friars.

5. O’Dog (Menace II Society)

That damn Larenz Tate sure was diverse. He’s both the most beloved and one of the most concerning characters in Black movie history. O’Dog was “young, Black, and just didn’t give a f*ck” and had the nerve to almost curse in religious household. While we were afraid of his potential, we also respected him…especially for telling Kaine not to be “actin’ like a little ho” when it was time to put in work. He was the originator of the true Cali Swag district.

6. Nino Brown (New Jack City)

He probably could go to the top 2, but whatever. Nino Brown is one of THE scariest ninjas on the planet because he had only money on his mind to detriment of all else. Hell, he’s the impetus for three Lil Wayne album titles. A movie from 1991 made its presence felt in the late 2000s (never mind that Lil Wayne’s last name is Carter). Plus, I’ve been telling ninjas to cancel motherf*ckers ever since. Nino Brown was not his brother’s keeper. Well, at least not after he had to kill him.

7. Bishop (Juice)

He could probably be #1 on most lists of most iconic. Tupac played the HELL out of this role. So much so that we learned he was never in character; he WAS Bishop. He was crazy. And he didn’t give a f*ck. And for worse, a lot of young Black men could relate. That hightop step fade he had was a bad look though.

8. Doughboy (Boyz N The Hood)

Of all the characters in Boyz N The Hood, the only two that truly mattered were Dough and the cop that hated Black people. Ricky and Trey were cool, but Ricky’s best shot at iconic was getting shot, and I live in DC. That happens all the time. But Dough was a conflicted character who was struggling with his moral compass and just wanted love, you know while he wasn’t out there doing dumb sh*t. But those thug tears when he shot the ninja that killed Ricky? That was poetic. Plus he delivered the most significant lines in Black movie history: “either they don’t know, don’t show, or just don’t care about what goes on in the hood.” Classico.

9. Marcus Graham (Boomerang)

Okay, this list makes no sense. Because he could totally be #2 or #3 and I have him at #9. Reason being? Somehow I forgot that Boomerang even existed despite it being one of my favorite movies. I suck. So what? But Marcus Graham is THE man. Until he isn’t. And then is again once he learns how to be his true self and find happiness in the heart of a woman. Yadda yadda, he was who 90 percent of us envisioned being before Darius told us we all needed to become poets. Forget the corporate job, let’s all get notebooks!

10. Celie & Mister (The Color Purple)

Controversial double pick here, but seriously, them ninjas  – hell the whole cast of this movie needs its own article – are the shining of example of life gone wrong and making both the best and worst out of the hand your dealt. Plus, Mister forced Celie to become the woman with “the fingers”.

Alright, that’s my list. What say you? And who do you think are the most iconic Black movie characters??","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2021-11-18","2021-11-21"
21/11/2024 16:39:38,21/11/2024 16:39:38,"Dating Advice Column: Affairs, Jealousy and The Reality of Being The Other Woman…","[[ The Surprisingly Solid Dating Advice From Kanye West]]
[[ How To Please Your Mate]]
[[ Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic of Love]]
[[ Ridiculous Dating Advice That’s Totally True]]
[[ Things Men Do That Women Probably Hate]]
[[ Things I Think I’d Hate About Women If I Were a Man]]
[[ What Single People Get Wrong About Marriage]]
[[ Chicken Livers and Relationship Drama]]
[[ Why Splitting Costs Isn't Splitting Love]]
[[ The Instant Turn-Offs That Will Get You Cut Off]]

This week I get real with a married woman jealous of her boyfriend’s fiancé.

Dear Tia,

I am married and I have an affair going on with my old school flame. Things worked out well between us. But now he is getting married and he keeps telling me that he’s doing it for his parents and the girl isn’t the kind he wants. I’m jealous and can’t handle my feelings. Should I still remain in touch with him post marriage or move on? – Still in Love

Dear Still in Love,

I’m confused about how things have worked out well between you and your sidepiece – you’re married and he’s engaged. That aside, it’s time for you to leave the man alone. You seem very concerned about whether or not he wants to get married, but that’s not really an issue. He’s a grown man and can make his own choices and the same goes for you. By deciding to enter into a relationship with someone you can’t fully commit to you’ve relinquished your right to be jealous. You have a husband – but you don’t have to be there. If you don’t want to be with your spouse you can leave. Your old flame’s soon-to-be wife should be respected. If you really want to be with this man split up with your husband and make a play for the one who has your heart. If not, you can’t have your husband and hers, so leave him – and his family – alone.","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2023-11-26","2023-11-29"
10/12/2024 11:11:23,10/12/2024 11:11:23,"Second Date Struggles: How to Keep the Momentum","
[[ Do I Belong With You or Do You Own Me?]]
[[ Is Jealousy a Human Survival Mechanism?]]
[[ What is Fidelity?]]
[[ Aren’t Open Relationships All About Sex?]]
[[ So, You Found Out He’s Lying…]]
[[ What To Do With a Badly Behaving Lover?]]
[[ Girls Runs The World?!]]
[[ The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On]]
[[ How To Date A Virgin]]

While your absurdo-reductionist model is elegantly simple, all nuance has been lost.

A girl who does exactly just that can be seen as a slut. A man will think: “Great! A good looking girl I can have sex with any time I want! I can call her up any time, not having to talk to her much at all, not having put in any effort towards relationship junk, and she’ll play with my balls.” Then any man with an ounce of brain will think: “How many other guys have been hitting it?”

This is why girls should not listen to guys for advice on how to land a good man for a real relationship. While I disagree with some premises of the “rules,” it is a way for girls to weed out men who are just looking for a booty call.

@LILGRL “The men who will not work for sex are the men for whom sex comes easily, and that is very, very, very few men.”

True. But even those men experience heartbreaks, because sex is not the same as love. And I agree with your retort to Obsidian, who thinks that men quickly lose interest if the girl does not “put out” quickly. This is completely wrong in my experience.

Since we’re focusing on the female side, and the long-term relationship angle, it’s counter-productive to focus on the mythical “alpha” who will commit to a girl after getting to have sex with her the first date because she’s just so amazing that she trumps all the other easy sex he could have.

To the men here: stop lying to girls to get them to give up sex easily.

October 19, 2009 5:48 pm
[quote]Call him much, much less than he calls you. This way you won’t annoy him with neediness, or chat with him like he’s a girlfriend.[/quote]

Instant race to the bottom. Most quality guys know to call less than their girls. If she uses the same rule, the following happens.

","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2023-12-17","2023-12-26"
13/12/2024 10:58:41,13/12/2024 10:58:41,"The Possibility Of Polygamy","[[ How Pocket-Dialing Can C*ckblock You]]
[[ Attack of The Killer Ex]]
[[ How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays]]
[[ Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads]]
[[ 25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating]]
[[ 5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master]]
[[ Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?]]
[[ The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men]]
[[ Dating a Jersey Shore Fan]]
[[ Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day]]
[[ A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy]]

Not everyone is fit for a traditional relationship. If you find yourself wanting to break up with your partner in order to scope out online personals, consider the possibility of an open relationship instead. This of course depends on your significant-others nature. If she’s more of a conservative type, then ending it would be a lot easier. However, if you’ve already gotten a taste of your ladies’ alternative side, then suggesting the idea of an open relationship could be the best thing you’ll ever do. Below, we highlight some tips on how to get your girlfriend to take a walk on the wild side and try something new.

1. Touch Upon It - Without ever having to utter the word “polygamy”, ease her way into it by suggesting some quality adult entertainment. Once approved, pick out a porn flick that features a threesome and wait for her reaction. If the thought of having another player in the bedroom turns her on, proceed to the next step.

2. Get Her To Verbalize Her Fantasies – Once you’ve gotten a good grasp of your partners open nature, it’s time to get her to verbalize it. Ask her to tell you about her fantasies and describe them in detail. Not only will it be a bonding experience, but it will give her something to think about. As for you, start mapping out a way to make it happen.

3. Hit Up Swingers Clubs – If you’ve managed to get the ‘ok’ from your significant-other, take her to an introductory outing to a swingers club. Unlike popular belief, swingers are not looking for emotional attachment, merely a pleasurable sexual experience. Once she realizes that you are not looking to replace her but merely add a few ‘accessories’ to your sex life, she might suddenly become a lot more accepting.

4. Make Your Sales Pitch – When the time comes to sell your master plan, one of the most common mistakes men can make is only touching upon the points that will benefit you, and you only. By showing her that there are also positive aspects, she might be more inclined to go along with it. For example, she’ll finally be able to go on that business trip without worrying about the emotional baggage back home.

5. It’s All About Sex – Whatever you do, be sure to never let your argument drift too far away from sex. If for any reason your parter senses that you are interested in finding new online dates for emotional purposes, she’ll drop the idea faster than you can say “threesome”. Let her know that’s it’s all about sex and she might just have a change of heart.","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-12-23","2022-12-25"
19/12/2024 10:34:50,19/12/2024 10:34:50,"Decoding Relationship Myths: Fact vs. Fiction","[[ The Wingwoman]]
[[ Change You Can Believe In: Yourself]]
[[ Quick to Pass Judgment]]
[[ Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day]]
[[ I’m Single on Valentine’s Day]]
[[ My Secret Social Identity]]
[[ What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.]]
[[ Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing]]
[[ Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good]]
[[ Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?]]
[[ The Double Standard of Men and Women]]
[[ The Double Standard of Men and Women]]
[[ The Double Standard of Men and Women]]
[[ 8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You]]
[[ 8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You]]

I remember back in college actually having to convince some of my female friends the club wasn’t a good place to meet their boyfriend. To me … I was shocked that I had to actually argue this point. I thought it was clear to everyone that the club was for finding one night stands, jumpoffs, and bucket heads … not Ms. (or Mr.) Right.

Why is the club tailored to those looking for temporary love? What is it about the club that is poisionous to the creation of true love? Why is any relationship formed in the club almost always doomed to fail? Simple … the Club Mentality.

I can’t speak for everyone, every club, everywhere, but generally speaking, the club is the definition of … “the frenzy”. There is a lot of liquor involved, its an enviroment solely focused on social interactions between men and women. The music is too loud for conversation. Lights are dim and liquor flows freely. Its one of the few places you can walk behind a female, start grind on her ass … and not break any laws or be arrested. Rules, laws, and social norms that are upheld on “the outside” … simply don’t apply here. Its a different world.

A lot of guys go to the club to take a girl home with them. They are often the most aggressive too. In addition, as a guy, you know more girls are going to be open to conversation as opposed to the “real world” … so you don’t have to worry about “bothering” someone. While physically abusing a girl is still just as wrong, all those overly aggressive moves you had to retire are now allowed and often practiced. Also, for some reason, a fight is now a possibility. While at work your calm, on the road you let people pass you, but in the club … let someone scuff your sneakers or spill your drink … bout to be a misunderstanding!

For the ladies, you know that someone is going to disrespect you. Your ass will be grabbed, someone is going to pull your arm and not want to let go, and somebody is going to be overly aggressive about getting your number. A guy is going to come up to you and start “dancing” … which is closer to sex than anything else, but for some reason … tonight its OK. And while your open to conversation for any “cute” guy who is “acting right” … you also prepared a set of statement for those … “showing their ass”.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-12-25","2022-12-27"
08/01/2025 08:59:24,08/01/2025 08:59:24,"The pickup progression","[[ An Ode to Emily]]
[[ More Than Meets The Eyes]]
[[ Should I Tell Her How I Feel?]]
[[ The Play Date]]
[[ Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride]]
[[ The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be]]
[[ When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma]]
[[ Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others]]
[[ Should You Settle?]]
[[ Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?]]
[[ Cheating is a Cop Out]]
[[ The Dance of Second Chances]]

When I was younger, I was painfully shy. The thought of approaching a girl was overwhelming and, consequently, I never did it. I used to tell myself that if only I could approach, I could get a girlfriend. I eventually overcame my shyness only to discover that approaching a girl wasn’t enough. I couldn’t just walk up and say hi and magically have a girlfriend. A lot of times, I mistakenly expected the girl to make a move if she was interested and often left conversations asking myself where it went wrong. Clearly, it went wrong when I decided not to ask for her number.

Now that I’m a bit lot older and more experienced, I know that there’s a series of steps to go through before you can have a date, let alone a girlfriend. I call these steps the pickup progression, and they are:

The approach. Before you can hope to date a girl, you must talk to her. Learning how to start a conversation is an important skill and starts you on your path.
The number. You need to get her number if you ever want to see her again. This is separate from the approach because it’s easy to start a conversation and then get cold feet about asking her out.
The call. The purpose of the first phone call is setup a date. Some guys can get numbers but then don’t have the guts to followup with a call. Call her!
The first date. Getting to this point is definitely exciting, but just because there’s a first date doesn’t mean there will be a second. One-on-one time is incredibly important.
The second date. If you’ve gotten to this point, then chances are you’re well on your way.
The cool thing about the pickup progression is that you can focus on moving forward one step at a time. If you’re horribly shy, then approaching a girl may be difficult enough. That’s fine. Take it slow and work on getting #1 down. Once you feel confident with the approach, move on to asking for a number. Each time you reach a step in the progression just focus on getting to the next step and don’t worry about the others.

If you make it all the way to call but don’t manage to get a first date (it happens, trust me), celebrate a little because you completed three steps. There are a lot of guys who can’t even complete one! The goal should be to get further and further into the progression and ultimately that second date. Once you’ve made it there, you’ve done everything right and the likelihood of a third date is quite high.

Try not to get down on yourself if you don’t make it all the way through the progression a few times. Even at 30 years old and a decent idea about how to approach women, it doesn’t always work out for me either. I always remind myself how much more upset I would’ve been if I didn’t approach (#1) and didn’t ask for her number (#2). It’s always better to know than to be left wondering. Now go practice.","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2023-01-27","2023-01-30"
22/01/2025 10:19:39,22/01/2025 10:19:39,"Chemistry of a Kiss","[[ When Do You Walk Away]]
[[ It Is All Facebook’s Fault…]]
[[ How To Be Single at Your 10 Year Reunion]]
[[ Are One Night Stands Bad?]]
[[ The Truth About Free Dating Sites]]
[[ Writing Good Emails]]
[[ Taking it Slow vs Taking it Nowhere]]
[[ 26 Things I’ve Learned About Dating]]
[[ Being Selfish in A Relationship]]
[[ Signs of a Douchebag]]
[[ Rules for a Skype Date]]

What is it about the scent of the inside of another person’s mouth that either makes for the melting away of hours or the distinct need to quickly pull away? This scent that over time can become a loving reminder, or a direct shot to the groin, or maybe a history best left to another lifetime.

Does the kiss, and maybe the scent – of the tongue, the neck below, the nose above – tell you immediately whether or not you can be with this person? Can this change? Is there an in-between – not bad, not good – that has the ability to shift in a direction you want it to, either knowing this person is good for you and you want so desperately to like them or knowing they are bad for you, and you want so desperately not to like them?

Does the memory of an electric kiss, maybe increased in intensity thanks to the changing shape of time, hinder chances in a new encounter, making this kiss decidedly less so? Or does falling into the present, just being there, shift not only the function of the kiss, but the enjoyment of the scent, the movement of the tongue, the strength, the weakness, the sound?

What really goes into making a kiss yummy – is it about ability, or just the flow of feelings, emotions, energy, chemistry – between two people?
","Réunion d'un Groupe de travail","2022-01-29","2022-01-31"
24/01/2025 10:42:41,24/01/2025 10:42:41,"The Post Break Up Love Letter","[[ Why girls on dating websites don't know how to have a conversation]]
[[ Why “we need to talk” should be happening in your relationship]]
[[ Living With The One You Love]]
[[ 4 Ways To Be Really Rude While Instant Messaging]]
[[ How Emo Updates Hurt Your Relationship]]
[[ How Straightforwardness Got Him the Date]]
[[ How to Keep Long-distance Relationships Alive]]
[[ How to Find Love in 2025]]
[[ Is Religion Important When Dating?]]
[[ Keeping A Romantic Life As A Single Mom]]
[[ 7 Sure-Fire Ways To Get Over A Relationship]]

After ignoring GC’s texts and calls for a few days – and trust me there were a lot of them – I had a solid afternoon, a break from school and the grind and I did a lot of thinking and reflecting (I’ll write more about that later), but I was chilling at home by night and then I thought to myself, “I wonder if GC has mailed me a hand-written letter yet”.   She had definitely tried everything else – email, Facebook, Skype, loads of calls and texts – telling me that she messed up, she loved me, please respond to her, etc, etc.

So, I went down to the mailbox… and sure enough she had.

I’ll post the letter here, just because I think it’s a solid letter and it shows that I have grown in my understanding of game over the years and also that game does work.   It’s funny how after a couple of days of reflection, she’s able to pinpoint so many things and get so many things right.

Anyway, here’s the letter:


I’m sorry and I know saying I’m sorry is getting old.  It’s just words can’t express how I’m feeling right now.  I wish I could take back everything I did because I really felt like we had something special.  Everything we had is worth fighting for.  For the first time in my life, I found a guy that didn’t let me control them and I love that.  For awhile, I began noticing everything I hate about you like your attitude when you’re mad, your oblivion as to how all of your actions affected me, and the fact that you don’t spoil me…. but as I sit here trying to hide my tears because I am so ashamed of my actions, I realize that all of those things I hate about you just makes me want to love you more.  Baby I want to be there for you.  I want to be your support system, lover, friend, and honestly one day I hoped to be your wife.  If you hate me I understand.  I deserve that.  I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.  But I know getting through the rest of this life without someone like you in my life will be the worst punishment ever.  I pray you find it in your heart to forgive me.  I swear I never wanted to hurt you.  I’m sure you lost all of the trust you had in me, but please let me make it up to you.  I think we have a love worth fighting for.  That’s why every time we break up I don’t give up.  I just think I have a lot of growing up to do and I’d really enjoy it if you were there guiding me to where I need to be.  I depend on you for a lot of things and I need you in my life.  I don’t think now is a good time to be in a relationship but I know I don’t want to be without you.  I love you and I miss you with every breath I take.  When you sleep at my house I go smell the sheets and I don’t wash them until mommy makes me because I just want to smell your scent.  [Wonka], you have taught me so much in little time and besides my HUGE fuck up and the distance, I really think this was the best relationship of my life.  My hope is that we remain support systems for each other and in [time] you allow me to cheer you across that stage.  Baby I just want to be your everything.  I am so sorry I ruined everything.  But I hope you know how much you mean to me.  You’re the first guy whose made me cry so much so that’s gotta be worth something.  You’re also the first guy that knows how to keep me attracted to them mentally and physically at the same time.  You were right about me.  I am afraid.  I’m afraid of someone loving me so much and that I’ll never be able to do right by them.  There is no excuse for my actions baby.  I know this.  I’m a weak little bia that doesn’t know how to act when opportunities present themselves.  But I promise, if I can just have you as at least a friend, I’ll earn your trust again.  If you have any love left for me, please return my calls or texts or write me a long email and say everything that’s on your heart and mind.  Contrary to my actions, I do believe we have a love worth fighting for and I’ll fight as long as I have to.  

- Your very sorry [nickname]

P.S. Don’t make me tattoo your name so you know its real

I think that some of her insights just go to further substantiate the points I highlighted the other day in my Relationship Game post.
","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-02-04","2022-02-07"
30/01/2025 10:45:34,30/01/2025 10:45:34,"Half the people on OkCupid think the earth is bigger than the sun...","[[ Can You Date A Younger Man?]]
[[ The Qualities Of A Good Make Out Buddy]]
[[ When Guys Should Pay On A Date And Why]]
[[ Playing Games When Dating]]
[[ How to Hit on Someone via Facebook]]
[[ What Not To Say On A First Date?]]
[[ Why Hasn't He Called and What Should I Do About It?]]
[[ Getting Prepped for a First Date]]
[[ Defriending Your Ex On Facebook]]

I was looking around on people's profiles to see what questions they've answered and one of the questions is, ""Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?""  I think I've seen more people say, ""The earth"" than ""The sun"".  I've wasted so much time trying to construct a well written message to get their attention.  Next time I'll just jingle my keys.

UPDATE: Turns out there's some actual numbers behind this.  While my anecdotal evidence seems about 50/50, you can see the real numbers here: Skip to bar chart the middle. The rest of the article is off topic.

I answered ""The Earth"" because that's a more interesting answer. The term ""bigger"" can refer to something other than size or mass. I pictured it as sort of a symbolic question.

Date Hater on October 28, 2010 10:25 PM said...
Well, hopefully you explained your position on the site. Most of the girls I see say, ""I guess?"" or, ""I don't know?"".

GodOfBloodnDarknessnKatanas on December 10, 2010 8:02 PM said...
I think it's funny when people choose Earth. I don't argue about mere points. I would rather use this to my advantage and simply take a chance that they really mean it in the way it was originally intended. In which case yes, I will jingle my bells of joy right in their face.

This is knowledge not intelligence. Difference. But still, I'm sure it can help....","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2021-02-04","2021-01-28"
31/01/2025 10:55:03,31/01/2025 10:55:03,"My Frame Control Goes Out The Window","[[ Do You Reveal Too Much About Your Relationship?]]
[[ Be Yourself: The Truth About Authentic Dating]]
[[ Why So Many Relationships End at 90 Days]]
[[ There really are NO BAD DATES!]]
[[ How The Law of Attraction Can Help You Find Love]]
[[ A Dude Diner’s Doctrine]]
[[ Soundtrax To Your Life: Pre-Date Tunes]]
[[ Ms. Awesome’s Advice for Men]]
[[ Bad Relationships Aren’t Investments]]
[[ How To Get A One Nite Stand Out Of Your Apartment]]

So, if you saw the previous post, you know I was getting sick of Ghetto Club‘s nagging.

So, I decided I was going to let her chill for a few days and then when she hit me up I was going to be like “we need to talk” and then tell her about herself.

I did just that.  She texted me late Monday night.  I texted her back,

I’m a call u in a bit.  I need to say something…

Right after I text her that, Short Model calls – perfect, after spending some time on the phone with her, I can call Ghetto Club, and she’ll never be the wiser.

So, I do just that.

I call Ghetto Club after I get off the phone.

“So, what is it you wanted to say to me?”

“I just wanted to tell you, you’ve been annoying me lately.  It’s like you’re trying to pressure me to do shit, ‘you should take me to the movies, you should invite me to the club, why didn’t you text me back?, why didn’t you call me?  why didn’t you invite me out?’  Do you hear what that shit sounds like.  That was you last week.  It rubbed me the wrong way.  I actually thinking about letting you chill for awhile, but then I figured I’d tell you what’s up.”

“So, I annoy you?”

“Yes.  Lately, last week.  Too much nagging, that’s not how you get someone to want to hang out with you.”

“Ok.  I appreciate it, I feel like I do something like that that annoys you, you should tell me, so I’ll know.”

“That’s what I’m doing right now.  That’s why I’m telling you.”

“Okay.  I appreciate it.   I mean most guys never tell me shit, they just let me run over them until they get sick of it and disappear, so thanks.”

“Yeah.  Obviously, I’d never let you run over me.”

“I see….”

We talk some more, it seems cool.  She even starts to correct herself everytime she is about to say “should.”   “You should… oh, wait, never mind, I’m not supposed to say that…… how about… [blah, blah, blah], see I can’t even be myself around you.”

“Sure you can, just be a nice, sweet version of yourself.  I just want you to be a nice, sweet girl.”

“But, I’m not nice…”

“For me.  Be a nice, sweet girl for me.”

…. conversation continues, until her mom comes into her room I guess.  I start goofing around by sucking up to her mom through her, “tell your mom I said Hi Ms. [her name], how are you doing today?  Having a lovely day, I hope!’”  Shit like that.  Blatant about it.

Ghetto Club relays the messages and then calls me a suckup.

Then, her mom leaves the room…. but, then she comes back ranting and raving about Ghetto Club’s sister.   I actually hold for a bit, only because it’s her mom, before I tell Ghetto Club, “Hey!  Hey!   I really gotta go and work on my homework though…”

“Ok.  I’m sorry.”

Minutes later, she texts me:

Her, 11:19 pm:  My mom said sorry she just had to vent.  And I’m sorry.   She always does that  :/  it gets a lil aggravating but she is my mom.. Anywho, if you have time call me back

Meanwhile, I’m not doing homework, but instead Facebook gaming like 5 different girls at the same time.  After a few, I call her back.  I don’t know why.  I could’ve just left it at that, but I guess I still wanted to talk to her.  I mean, I thought we were cool.

I call her back.  She apologizes for her mom again, and then says, “You’re done with your homework already?”

“Naw, I’m not.”

“Oh, well, you don’t have to talk to me, I don’t want to get in the way of your GPA.”

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t let that happen.”

“Oh, ‘you wouldn’t let that happen’?, huh?  Okay….”

We talk some more, about who knows what.  I don’t even remember.  Then, she decides to revisit it.

I hear her voice get more somber too, like she’s actually sad….

“Wait, I just want to go back to this…. “

She brings it back up.

“What is it you want me to be?”

“A nice, sweet girl.”

“I am nice to you, what else do you want?”

“You should do stuff like cook for me.”

“Why?  Is this a relationship?”


“You’re not even my man!  Why should I cook for you?”

“Because you want to?”

“I don’t cook for stangers.”

“Whatever.  You know me.  You know you want to cook for me.”

“How come I’m willing to take your advice, but you’re not willing to take mine?”

I laugh.

“See, you laugh at me.  You don’t even take me seriously.”

I laugh some more.

“I just want you to be a gentleman.  Do you even know what a gentleman is?  Look it up in the dictionary.”

I change the subject.

She goes back to it.  ”No seriously.  I want you to look up gentleman in the dictionary.”


“I’m so nice to you too.  You invite me somewhere, and then expect me to pay.  Who does that?   Look up gentleman, I don’t think me and you have the same definition of what a gentleman is.”

“Girl, we’ve already talked about this.  We’re not talking about it again.  Stop harping on old shit.  See,” and here’s my first fumble, “this is why I didn’t want to talk about this shit on the phone.”

“What do you mean?”

“I would’ve rather have talked about it in person.   What’s your schedule look like this week?”

“What day?   Because, I don’t know the whole week.”

“Well, I’m too busy tomorrow probably, but we can chill sometime Wednesday, maybe.”

“On the holiday?”

“What holiday is Wednesday?”


“Oh yeah.  You should bring me something good.”

“You just said should.”

“Yeah, you should.”

“No… if I can’t say you should to you, you can’t say it to me.”

I laugh.

“I’m serious.  How are you going to ask me to do something when you’re not even willing to do it yourself?”

And…. watch my frame crumble…..

“That’s not how this works.”

“Well, how does it work?  It’s your way or the highway.  Everything is your way, it’s a one way street with you.  I have no input.”

“Girl, calm down.”

“No, you’re not being fair!   You want me to be submissive, but what do you get to be?   Huh, what are you going to be for me?   What’s your role?”

“A muthafucking man.”

“No!  I want you to be a gentleman!”

I laugh.

“See, you don’t even take me seriously.”

“Because you are too funny when you pretend to be angry.”

“You’re not taking me seriously, I’m not pretending.”

“Yeah… you should take a picture.”

“Everything is a one way street with you.”

“Whatever.  You know you want to drive down this one way street.”  

“I did, I am driving down it, but I’m about to have a head on collision.”

“Whatever, anyway, what time are you free Wednesday?”  

“No time now…”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah… not for you.  Everything is all about you.  You’re trying to control me.”

“Girl, I’m not trying to control you, do you realize all that I do for you?”

“What?  What do you do?”

“I give you my time.  I hang out with you, talk to you on the phone, text you…”

“I do all of that with you too… “

Phone conversation gets quiet.  She tries to call me out for trying to control her.  I say I’m not trying to control her, but I don’t really elaborate, we just sit there in silence.   I’m stammering now…  I can tell she’s actually pissed and isn’t going to say much anymore.  I’m still trying to save a conversation.  I don’t know why….

“Girl, I do do shit for you, stop acting like I don’t.  Why you think everytime I pick a place to hangout, I pick it in the [blank] area?  Because that’s in between the both of us, so it’s fair for both of us.”

“But it’s you.  It’s always you making the decisions.  You never ask for my input!”

“We’re not talking about this anymore…  I told you how you can make a suggestion.”

“Don’t you realize I’m not submissive!  I’m used to getting my way.  I’ve been treated like a princess since I was 13.  I don’t know what world you live in, but you need to come back to reality!   You always have to get your way in your world, it’s always  your decision.”

“Girl… calm down.”

“No, it’s all about you…I can’t say should but you can.  What kind of sense does that make, you’re not even willing to do for me what I’m willing to do for you.  I like hanging out with you, but I just don’t know if I can do this anymore…. it was nice knowing you…”

I don’t say much after that, just stuff like “Draggadorf….. “, her name, her whole name, stuff she keeps saying “yes” to, but at the same time neither of us are talking.  Just sitting in silence.  Eventually, I get off the phone, “Alright, I really do have to do my homework though”



I get off the phone, and I’m so pissed off.  That’s opposite of what I was trying to do today.   I vent on Twitter a bit and decide that it’s over, and then I block her number on my phone, so I can’t receive texts or calls from her anymore – just because I don’t trust myself to actually ignore her if I don’t do that…

She goes on Facebook and writes this as her status:

your love by diddy dirty money today…im feelin really unappreciated tomorrow. people suck…. thats why its best to live a numb life!

Of course it’s about me.  She’s “unappreciated” or whatever….

Then, this happens….  some dude comments on her status, read for yourself the conversation that follows:

Random Dude: Damn skippy!

Ghetto Club:  JAY SEAN! i was thinkin bout you today and got sad :[ you act like you dont love miss keri no more...

Random Dude:  Hahah I'll always love my miss keri! Too bad she's been MIA since forever. Loll

Ghetto Club:  sayyy what? i am not MIA. thats youu. everytime i ask about you somebody says oo i havent seen himm!

Random Dude:  Hahahha whaa? I'm always on campus! Stop hiding from me :(

Ghetto Club:   ya yaaa... ok lets hang out wednesday... lol go to [campus event]. i need points or i wont graduate on time… :/

Random Dude:  Ahahhahaha girl your gonna be stuck at [school] foreverR! Lmao. Ok sounds good then lunch after?

Ghetto Club:  ooo sureee! seeing as how we still have YET to go get lunch!!!

Random Dude:  You bailed on me on our last lunch date!!!

Ghetto Club:  nu uhhhh! i just had to make sure them jello shots were tasty…lol it was a very important task :]

Random Dude:  Still counts as bailing…

Ghetto Club:  nooo bc it was for your benefit my love! its ok.. redo this wednesday!

Random Dude:  Hahah fine! Where to bosslady?

Ghetto Club:  hmmm idc you can pick!

Random Dude:  What your buying?? Ok cool :)

Ghetto Club:   yea with the whole 2 bucks in my bank acct! can we say BALLIN!!!

Random Dude:  Hahah shoot that’s a chicken patty with one pickle on the side! Baller!

Ghetto Club:   o yeaaaa. i likes to do it big!

Wow.  Is she fucking serious?   On a status about me, she’s going to set up a date with a dude and give him the same Wednesday I just tried to chill with her on.   Naw…. that’s just all the way disrepectful.  Yeah, her fucking number is staying deleted.

I’m done.

Sucks that this feels like a breakup almost and we weren’t even together like that.  I definitely wanted to keep her around longer, but I just feel like the same “you’re not a gentleman, you need to treat me like a princess!  How come we never do what I want to do?”  drama was just going to keep coming up.","Réunion en Plénière du collectif","2022-01-27","2022-01-29"

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