Does Your Partner’s Potential Excite or Frustrate You?

Description : Why Sharing Passwords With Your Partner
How To Tell If A Man Is Interested In You
Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Break-Up
The Dating With EXpectation Factor
Dating Real Test Is in the Wallet
How To Know That Your Relationship Is In Trouble
When Potential Becomes a Relationship Killer
The Unspoken Truths About Blame in Relationships
How Technology is Killing the Romance

For the good of the child and the family, I think paternal leave should also be included in any parental leave legislation. For some men, it might be easier, depending on the living situation, to avoid the house and go to work every day, but for most it isn’t. It wasn’t for me, even when there was a grandmother to provide support. For one thing, the baby doesn’t sleep on your schedule, so your ability to follow routines and get enough sleep is severely compromised. Anyone who is familiar with a baby’s cries knows that it’s almost impossible to ignore or sleep through them, and that’s by design. For guys who work with heavy machinery or have long commutes, this could be downright dangerous. One solution, if the house is big enough, is to sleep in another room. But even that doesn’t always do the trick, and sleeping on a couch is far from ideal.

Another issue is that the mother can’t take care of housework as usual. Babies are extremely demanding, and if it comes down to feeding husband or child, baby wins. Despite birth, mother and child remain a “unit” for months postpartum. When she leaves, the baby gets upset. Experienced fathers like me have some tricks up our sleeves for calming babies, but they don’t always work — sometimes nursing is the only thing that will calm them down. So, unless you want to be stuck with a screaming baby watching thWhen Uncle Elmer linked news of the Zoe Quinn affair(s) last week, I looked over the story and found myself mostly just appalled by the behavior of these “adults” involved in the gaming scene. Quinn herself isn’t much of a surprise, but given how easy it was for her to sleep with so many guys in the same industry in such a short timeframe I wonder how desperate these game developers must be. For starters, Zoe Quinn isn’t a stunner. Far from it. She doesn’t hold a candle to some of the manslayers I’ve come across in my day. It’s really one of those “no contest” sorts of things. She might hold her own in a place like Ketchikan, filled as it is with lonely fishermen, but the Bay Area? Pathetic.

I also have to say that I’m not too impressed by her boyfriend, Eron Gjoni. Sharing all the intimate details instead of sticking to the basic facts of a failed relationship is bad form. It’s a high school level of self-indulgence. For those readers who might be tempted to do the same, don’t. It’s best not to name names, post photos, publicly air text messages or trash the other party, even if they are in the wrong, because it reflects poorly on you. Longtime readers will know that I rarely mention my ex, and only do so when I have to explain important, relevant facts. I wouldn’t dream of posting her picture or any private correspondence. Nevertheless, I’m glad Zoe’s ex did it, because now I know a little more about the culture in the most economically dynamic part of America (nothing flattering), but eventually I just got tired plodding through all the gossipy details. After reading the story, I showed it to my wife, and she was pretty amazed that such childish people populate one of the wealthiest places on earth. I wonder sometimes whether these people – several of whom look to be in their thirties already – are aware of how outlandish and adolescent they appear to ordinary folks who are just trying to get by.
Type d'événement : Réunion en Plénière du collectif
Début de l'événement : 04.11.2022
Fin de l'événement : 06.11.2022