Half the people on OkCupid think the earth is bigger than the sun...
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I was looking around on people's profiles to see what questions they've answered and one of the questions is, "Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?" I think I've seen more people say, "The earth" than "The sun". I've wasted so much time trying to construct a well written message to get their attention. Next time I'll just jingle my keys.
UPDATE: Turns out there's some actual numbers behind this. While my anecdotal evidence seems about 50/50, you can see the real numbers here: Skip to bar chart the middle. The rest of the article is off topic.
I answered "The Earth" because that's a more interesting answer. The term "bigger" can refer to something other than size or mass. I pictured it as sort of a symbolic question.
Date Hater on October 28, 2010 10:25 PM said...
Well, hopefully you explained your position on the site. Most of the girls I see say, "I guess?" or, "I don't know?".
GodOfBloodnDarknessnKatanas on December 10, 2010 8:02 PM said...
I think it's funny when people choose Earth. I don't argue about mere points. I would rather use this to my advantage and simply take a chance that they really mean it in the way it was originally intended. In which case yes, I will jingle my bells of joy right in their face.
This is knowledge not intelligence. Difference. But still, I'm sure it can help....
The Qualities Of A Good Make Out Buddy
When Guys Should Pay On A Date And Why
Playing Games When Dating
How to Hit on Someone via Facebook
What Not To Say On A First Date?
Why Hasn't He Called and What Should I Do About It?
Getting Prepped for a First Date
Defriending Your Ex On Facebook
I was looking around on people's profiles to see what questions they've answered and one of the questions is, "Which is bigger, the sun or the earth?" I think I've seen more people say, "The earth" than "The sun". I've wasted so much time trying to construct a well written message to get their attention. Next time I'll just jingle my keys.
UPDATE: Turns out there's some actual numbers behind this. While my anecdotal evidence seems about 50/50, you can see the real numbers here: Skip to bar chart the middle. The rest of the article is off topic.
I answered "The Earth" because that's a more interesting answer. The term "bigger" can refer to something other than size or mass. I pictured it as sort of a symbolic question.
Date Hater on October 28, 2010 10:25 PM said...
Well, hopefully you explained your position on the site. Most of the girls I see say, "I guess?" or, "I don't know?".
GodOfBloodnDarknessnKatanas on December 10, 2010 8:02 PM said...
I think it's funny when people choose Earth. I don't argue about mere points. I would rather use this to my advantage and simply take a chance that they really mean it in the way it was originally intended. In which case yes, I will jingle my bells of joy right in their face.
This is knowledge not intelligence. Difference. But still, I'm sure it can help....
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