Second Date Struggles: How to Keep the Momentum

Description :
Do I Belong With You or Do You Own Me?
Is Jealousy a Human Survival Mechanism?
What is Fidelity?
Aren’t Open Relationships All About Sex?
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How To Date A Virgin

While your absurdo-reductionist model is elegantly simple, all nuance has been lost.

A girl who does exactly just that can be seen as a slut. A man will think: “Great! A good looking girl I can have sex with any time I want! I can call her up any time, not having to talk to her much at all, not having put in any effort towards relationship junk, and she’ll play with my balls.” Then any man with an ounce of brain will think: “How many other guys have been hitting it?”

This is why girls should not listen to guys for advice on how to land a good man for a real relationship. While I disagree with some premises of the “rules,” it is a way for girls to weed out men who are just looking for a booty call.

@LILGRL “The men who will not work for sex are the men for whom sex comes easily, and that is very, very, very few men.”

True. But even those men experience heartbreaks, because sex is not the same as love. And I agree with your retort to Obsidian, who thinks that men quickly lose interest if the girl does not “put out” quickly. This is completely wrong in my experience.

Since we’re focusing on the female side, and the long-term relationship angle, it’s counter-productive to focus on the mythical “alpha” who will commit to a girl after getting to have sex with her the first date because she’s just so amazing that she trumps all the other easy sex he could have.

To the men here: stop lying to girls to get them to give up sex easily.

October 19, 2009 5:48 pm
[quote]Call him much, much less than he calls you. This way you won’t annoy him with neediness, or chat with him like he’s a girlfriend.[/quote]

Instant race to the bottom. Most quality guys know to call less than their girls. If she uses the same rule, the following happens.
Type d'événement : Réunion en Plénière du collectif
Début de l'événement : 17.12.2023
Fin de l'événement : 26.12.2023