The Possibility Of Polygamy

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Not everyone is fit for a traditional relationship. If you find yourself wanting to break up with your partner in order to scope out online personals, consider the possibility of an open relationship instead. This of course depends on your significant-others nature. If she’s more of a conservative type, then ending it would be a lot easier. However, if you’ve already gotten a taste of your ladies’ alternative side, then suggesting the idea of an open relationship could be the best thing you’ll ever do. Below, we highlight some tips on how to get your girlfriend to take a walk on the wild side and try something new.

1. Touch Upon It - Without ever having to utter the word “polygamy”, ease her way into it by suggesting some quality adult entertainment. Once approved, pick out a porn flick that features a threesome and wait for her reaction. If the thought of having another player in the bedroom turns her on, proceed to the next step.

2. Get Her To Verbalize Her Fantasies – Once you’ve gotten a good grasp of your partners open nature, it’s time to get her to verbalize it. Ask her to tell you about her fantasies and describe them in detail. Not only will it be a bonding experience, but it will give her something to think about. As for you, start mapping out a way to make it happen.

3. Hit Up Swingers Clubs – If you’ve managed to get the ‘ok’ from your significant-other, take her to an introductory outing to a swingers club. Unlike popular belief, swingers are not looking for emotional attachment, merely a pleasurable sexual experience. Once she realizes that you are not looking to replace her but merely add a few ‘accessories’ to your sex life, she might suddenly become a lot more accepting.

4. Make Your Sales Pitch – When the time comes to sell your master plan, one of the most common mistakes men can make is only touching upon the points that will benefit you, and you only. By showing her that there are also positive aspects, she might be more inclined to go along with it. For example, she’ll finally be able to go on that business trip without worrying about the emotional baggage back home.

5. It’s All About Sex – Whatever you do, be sure to never let your argument drift too far away from sex. If for any reason your parter senses that you are interested in finding new online dates for emotional purposes, she’ll drop the idea faster than you can say “threesome”. Let her know that’s it’s all about sex and she might just have a change of heart.
Type d'événement : Réunion en Plénière du collectif
Début de l'événement : 23.12.2022
Fin de l'événement : 25.12.2022