When Love Clicks, but Cash Doesn’t: Staying Connected with Little Funds
Description :
Signs Men Look For Before Approaching
It’s Okay Not To Fight For Your Girl
I Have No White Friends
When Romance Gets Real
How Fashion Trends Test Masculinity and Memory
Getting Ready for ‘I Do’
Why Is It Hard For Men To Write About Sex?
Why Love Means Tolerating Each Other's Quirks
When Love Escapes Us.
The result was deep scars which they wore with pride
and they were a sign that they were men you could trust either as statesmen or to lead others to battle. They would not back down, retreat or grovel.
By the way, historians still wonder how come the Germans kept going after the thousands of tons of bombs the Allies were dropping constantly on German cities during WW2, the answer is simple: they were commanded by such men….
Those men of the old banged and married quality and refined females (who also happened to be virgins when they were married) and they produced intelligent, honourable and beautiful kids. They would occasionally bang quality prostitutes but they wouldn’t ruin their marriages nor publish books bragging about it.
Well that was the elite back then. Even the deracinated and money -obsessed WASPs had some quality in them.
What do we have now for aristocracy? Money-grabbing bankers, slimy creatures with the appearance and manners of a perverted building manager who would still your daughter’s underwear…
I mean seriously just look at one of the main representatives of them: http://media.economist.com/images/images-magazine/2011/01/15/fn/20110115_fnp001.jpg
and what else? Geeks…Pimple-faced 30-something children who live in front of the screen, and even while they make tons of money they would still bang ugly freaks such as that Zoe Quinn.
We are living in an upside world. The problem aren’t people such as Zoe, she has done what most females of her class, status and style have done since the dawn of mankind. She uses sex to get things from men. The difference is that even 20 or 10 years ago you had to be at least goodlooking to get something from rich men….Now not even that is a factor….
I personally wouldn’t touch that freak for anything, her face screams venereal disease and overconsumption of antidepressants and narcotics.
It’s Okay Not To Fight For Your Girl
I Have No White Friends
When Romance Gets Real
How Fashion Trends Test Masculinity and Memory
Getting Ready for ‘I Do’
Why Is It Hard For Men To Write About Sex?
Why Love Means Tolerating Each Other's Quirks
When Love Escapes Us.
The result was deep scars which they wore with pride
and they were a sign that they were men you could trust either as statesmen or to lead others to battle. They would not back down, retreat or grovel.
By the way, historians still wonder how come the Germans kept going after the thousands of tons of bombs the Allies were dropping constantly on German cities during WW2, the answer is simple: they were commanded by such men….
Those men of the old banged and married quality and refined females (who also happened to be virgins when they were married) and they produced intelligent, honourable and beautiful kids. They would occasionally bang quality prostitutes but they wouldn’t ruin their marriages nor publish books bragging about it.
Well that was the elite back then. Even the deracinated and money -obsessed WASPs had some quality in them.
What do we have now for aristocracy? Money-grabbing bankers, slimy creatures with the appearance and manners of a perverted building manager who would still your daughter’s underwear…
I mean seriously just look at one of the main representatives of them: http://media.economist.com/images/images-magazine/2011/01/15/fn/20110115_fnp001.jpg
and what else? Geeks…Pimple-faced 30-something children who live in front of the screen, and even while they make tons of money they would still bang ugly freaks such as that Zoe Quinn.
We are living in an upside world. The problem aren’t people such as Zoe, she has done what most females of her class, status and style have done since the dawn of mankind. She uses sex to get things from men. The difference is that even 20 or 10 years ago you had to be at least goodlooking to get something from rich men….Now not even that is a factor….
I personally wouldn’t touch that freak for anything, her face screams venereal disease and overconsumption of antidepressants and narcotics.
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Réunion en Plénière du collectif
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